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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, L, T, W and Y

CETYWALLSCETYWALL n. valerian, a plant formerly valued for its restorative qualities, also SETUALE, SETWALL.
LEASTWAYSleastways adv. (Colloquial or dialectal) at least.
LEASTWAYS adv. at least; at all events, also LEASTAWAYS, LEASTWISE.
OUTWARDLYoutwardly adv. Externally or on the outside, or on the surface.
outwardly adv. Toward the outside.
OUTWARD adv. toward the outside, also OUTWARDS.
POLYWATERpolywater n. (Pseudoscience) A supposed polymeric form of water reported to have been produced in fine capillaries;…
POLYWATER n. a supposed form of water, said to be a polymer, with properties different from ordinary water.
SLANTWAYSslantways adv. Alternative form of slantwise.
SLANTWAYS adv. in a slanting direction, also SLANTWISE.
SWARTHILYswarthily adv. In a swarthy manner.
SWARTHY adv. having a dark complexion, also SWARTY.
TWALPENNYtwalpenny n. (Historical) An old Scots shilling.
TWALPENNY n. (Scots) an old shilling.
TWAYBLADEtwayblade n. Any of several orchids, of the genera Neottia (syn. Listera) and Liparis, that have a pair of basal leaves.
TWAYBLADE n. any one of several orchidaceous plants which have only two leaves.
WAITINGLYwaitingly adv. So as to wait; hesitatingly or loiteringly.
WAITING adv. relating to, or suitable for waiting.
WASTINGLYwastingly adv. In a way that causes wastage; wastefully.
WASTING adv. of an illness etc., causing emaciation, destructive of body tissues.
WATERLILYwaterlily n. Alternative spelling of water lily.
water-lily n. Alternative spelling of water lily.
water␣lily n. Any of various members of the Nymphaeaceae family that are tuberous plants, rooted in soil with leaves…
WEALTHILYwealthily adv. In a wealthy way.
WEALTHY adv. rich.
WEATHERLYweatherly adj. (Nautical, of a sailing vessel) Able to sail close to the wind with little leeway.
Weatherly prop.n. A surname.
WEATHERLY adj. able to sail close to the wind with little leeway.
WIKIALITYwikiality n. (Satirical) The ability to rewrite reality by editing a Wikipedia page through majority consent.
WIKIALITY n. information that is assumed to be true because it appears in a wiki-based encyclopaedia.
WYLIECOATwyliecoat n. (Scotland) A heavy vest that is worn to provide warmth.
wylie-coat n. (Scotland, historical) A flannel undervest or petticoat.
WYLIECOAT n. (Scots) a flannel undervest or petticoat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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