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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, L, M, O and X

ALDOXIMESaldoximes n. Plural of aldoxime.
ALDOXIME n. an oxime formed by reaction between hydroxylamine and an aldehyde.
AXOLEMMASaxolemmas n. Plural of axolemma.
AXOLEMMA n. the membrane that encloses the axons of a nerve cell, also AXILEMMA.
AXOPLASMSaxoplasms n. Plural of axoplasm.
AXOPLASM n. the cytoplasm of an axon, a nerve fibre.
CACOMIXLEcacomixle n. Alternative spelling of cacomixl.
CACOMIXLE n. (Nahuatl) a North American carnivore, about the size of a cat, related to the raccoons, also CACOMISTLE, CACOMIXL.
CACOMIXLScacomixls n. Plural of cacomixl.
CACOMIXL n. (Nahuatl) a North American carnivore, about the size of a cat, related to the raccoons, also CACOMISTLE, CACOMIXLE.
EXODERMALexodermal adj. Relating to the exodermis.
EXODERMAL adj. relating to the exodermis, the outer cortex layer of a root.
EXOPLASMSexoplasms n. Plural of exoplasm.
EXOPLASM n. the outer transparent layer of protoplasm in a developing ovum, also ECTOPLASM.
MAILBOXESmailboxes n. Plural of mailbox.
mail-boxes n. Plural of mail-box.
mail␣boxes n. Plural of mail box; Alternative form of mailboxes.
MALAXATORmalaxator n. A mill designed for malaxation, particularly for softening or mixing a mass.
malaxator n. An agent used to assist in malaxating something, such as butter or oil.
MALAXATOR n. one who, or that which, malaxates; esp. a machine for grinding, kneading, or stirring into a pasty or doughy mass.
MELOXICAMmeloxicam n. (Pharmacology) A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the oxicam class (trademark Mobic), used to…
MELOXICAM n. a drug used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
MYXOVIRALmyxoviral adj. Relating to myxoviruses.
MYXOVIRAL adj. of or like a myxovirus, any of a group of related viruses causing influenza, mumps etc.
XYLORIMBAxylorimba n. (Music) A pitched percussion instrument corresponding to a xylophone with an extended range.
XYLORIMBA n. a combination of xylophone and marimba.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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