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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, 2L, M and W

BLOWLAMPSblowlamps n. Plural of blowlamp.
BLOWLAMP n. a portable lamp producing a jet of hot flame.
FELLOWMANfellowman n. Alternative spelling of fellow man.
fellow␣man n. A kindred member of humanity.
FELLOWMAN n. a human being like oneself.
GLOWLAMPSglowlamps n. Plural of glowlamp.
glow-lamps n. Plural of glow-lamp.
GLOWLAMP n. an incandescent lamp, usually electric.
LAMBSWOOLlambswool n. (Uncountable) Wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. (By extension, countable) Something made of wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. A festive drink of ale mixed with the pulp of roasted apples.
MILLIWATTmilliwatt n. One thousandth (10-3) of a watt, abbreviated as mW.
milli-watt n. One thousandth (10-3) of a watt, abbreviated as mW.
MILLIWATT n. one thousandth of a watt.
MOLLYHAWKMOLLYHAWK n. the juvenile of the southern black-backed gull.
MOLLYMAWKmollymawk n. Any of a group of medium- to large-sized albatrosses in the genus Thalassarche.
mollymawk n. Any of the similar, related sooty albatross (Phoebetria).
molly-mawk n. Alternative form of mollemoke.
MULLOWAYSmulloways n. Plural of mulloway.
MULLOWAY n. (Native Australian) a large Australian fish.
MULTIWALLmultiwall adj. Having multiple walls, especially of packaging with several outer layers.
MULTIWALL adj. made of three or more layers of special paper.
SAWMILLERsawmiller n. The operator of a sawmill.
SAWMILLER n. one who operates a sawmill.
WALKMILLSwalkmills n. Plural of walkmill.
WALKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WAUKMILL, WAULKMILL.
WATERMILLwatermill n. A mill powered by water.
WATERMILL n. a mill driven by water.
WAUKMILLSwaukmills n. Plural of waukmill.
WAUKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAULKMILL.
WAULKMILLwaulkmill n. A mill for waulking or fulling cloth.
WAULKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAUKMILL.
WHOLEMEALwholemeal adj. (Of bread or flour) containing or made from the whole grain, including the bran.
wholemeal n. Whole-wheat flour.
WHOLEMEAL n. flour made from the whole grain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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