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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, K, Q, R and U

ANTIQUARKantiquark n. (Physics) The antiparticle of a quark.
ANTIQUARK n. the antimatter equivalent of a quark.
MARSQUAKEmarsquake n. A quake on the planet Mars, perhaps caused by land tides or volcanic eruptions, or meteorite strikes.
Marsquake n. Alternative letter-case form of marsquake.
MARSQUAKE n. a violent tremor on Mars.
SQUAWKERSsquawkers n. Plural of squawker.
SQUAWKER n. a loudspeaker for reproducing sounds in the middle of the audible range.
SQUAWKIERsquawkier adj. Comparative form of squawky: more squawky.
SQUAWKY adj. shrill and grating.
SQUEAKERSsqueakers n. Plural of squeaker.
SQUEAKER n. something that squeaks; a young bird.
SQUEAKERYsqueakery n. (Rare) The quality of being squeaky.
SQUEAKERY n. an assemblage of things that squeak.
SQUEAKIERsqueakier adj. Comparative form of squeaky: more squeaky.
SQUEAKY adj. making a squeak.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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