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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, J, M, R and S

DOORJAMBSdoorjambs n. Plural of doorjamb.
DOORJAMB n. one of the two vertical members forming the sides of a doorframe, aka doorpost.
JAMBOREESjamborees n. Plural of jamboree.
JAMBOREE n. a noisy celebration.
JAMBUSTERjambuster n. (Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario) A doughnut filled with jam.
JAMBUSTER n. (Canadian) a jelly-filled doughnut.
JEREMIADSjeremiads n. Plural of jeremiad.
JEREMIAD n. a literary work or speech expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom.
JEROBOAMSjeroboams n. Plural of jeroboam.
Jeroboams n. Plural of Jeroboam.
JEROBOAM n. an oversize wine bottle holding about four 26-ounce quarts.
JETSTREAMjetstream n. Alternative spelling of jet stream.
jet␣stream n. (Meteorology) any of the high-speed, high-altitude air currents that circle the Earth in a westerly direction.
JETSTREAM n. a narrow belt of high-altitude winds moving east at high speeds and having an important effect on frontogenesis.
JIMCRACKSjimcracks n. Plural of jimcrack.
JIMCRACK n. something cheap and showy, of little use, also GIMCRACK.
JURYMASTSjurymasts n. Plural of jurymast.
jury␣masts n. Plural of jury mast.
JURYMAST n. a temporary mast.
MAHARAJASmaharajas n. Plural of maharaja.
MAHARAJA n. (Sanskrit) a king or prince in India ranking above a rajah, esp. the sovereign of one of the former native states, also MAHARAJAH.
MAJORSHIPmajorship n. The position or office of major.
MAJORSHIP n. the rank or office of a major.
MARJORAMSmarjorams n. Plural of marjoram.
MARJORAM n. any of various labiate plants of the genus Origanum, aromatic herbs much used in cooking.
MARYJANESMary␣Janes n. Plural of Mary Jane.
MARYJANE n. (slang) marijuana.
MUDEJARESMudéjares n. Plural of Mudéjar.
MUDEJAR n. (Arabic) a Spanish moor.
NONMAJORSnonmajors n. Plural of nonmajor.
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.
SCRAMJETSscramjets n. Plural of scramjet.
SCRAMJET n. a type of aircraft engine.
SWARAJISMswarajism n. Support for swaraj.
SWARAJISM n. the policy of Indian political independence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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