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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, I, K, M and P

CHIPMAKERchipmaker n. A company that manufactures integrated circuit chips.
CHIPMAKER n. a manufacturer of microchips.
IMPARKINGimparking v. Present participle of impark.
IMPARK v. to enclose in a park.
KALUMPITSKALUMPIT n. (Tagalog) a Philippine tree of the myrobalan genus; its edible fruit.
MAPLELIKEmaplelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a maple tree.
MAPLELIKE adj. like a maple.
MAPMAKINGmapmaking n. Cartography, the making of maps and charts.
MAPMAKING n. the process of making maps.
MAPSTICKSMAPSTICK n. the long handle of a mop, also MOPSTICK.
MINIPARKSminiparks n. Plural of minipark.
MINIPARK n. a small city park.
MISSPEAKSmisspeaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misspeak.
MISSPEAK v. to speak incorrectly.
MULTIPACKmultipack n. A form of packaging containing multiple individual packages of a single product.
MULTIPACK n. a pack containing several of a given item, usually at a reduced price.
PERMALINKpermalink n. (Internet) A static internet address (link) to an individual blog entry or news item on the World Wide Web.
permalink v. (Internet) to create a permalink.
PERMALINK n. an internet hyperlink that is intended to be permanent.
PHENAKISMphenakism n. (Dated) deception; trickery.
PHENAKISM n. deceit.
PREMAKINGpremaking v. Present participle of premake.
PREMAKE v. to make in advance.
RAMPICKEDRAMPICKED adj. of a tree, like a rampick, decayed at the top.
TOPMAKINGtopmaking n. The processing of wool into "top" (bundles of combed slivers with the noils removed).
TOPMAKING n. the making of toy tops.
UPMAKINGSupmakings n. Plural of upmaking.
UPMAKING n. the process of making up galley proofs arranged in page mode.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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