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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 2I and 2O

ABOLITIONabolition n. The act of abolishing; an annulling; abrogation.
abolition n. The state of being abolished.
abolition n. (Historical, often capitalised, UK, US) The ending of the slave trade or of slavery.
AVOISIONSAVOISION n. a portmanteau coinage to denote blurring between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
BIOSOCIALbiosocial adj. (Biology, sociology) Of or pertaining to both biological and social features.
BIOSOCIAL adj. relating to the interaction of the biological aspects and social relationships of living organisms.
BOLIVIANOboliviano n. The unit of currency in Bolivia, divided into 100 centavos.
BOLIVIANO n. (Spanish) a Bolivian dollar.
COALITIONcoalition n. A temporary group or union of organizations, usually formed for a particular advantage.
coalition n. (Rare) The collective noun for a group of cheetahs.
Coalition prop.n. (Australia, politics) Ellipsis of Coalition of the Liberal Party and National Party. (Liberal-National coalition)
COITIONALcoitional adj. Relating to sexual intercourse.
COITIONAL adj. relating to coition, also COITAL.
DIACODIONdiacodion n. Alternative form of diacodium.
DIACODION n. (obsolete) a syrup of poppies, also DIACODIUM.
FILOPODIAfilopodia n. Plural of filopodium.
FILOPODIUM n. a threadlike pseudopodium consisting of ectoplasm.
FOLIATIONfoliation n. (Botany) The process of forming into a leaf or leaves.
foliation n. (Publishing) The process of forming into pages; pagination.
foliation n. (Codicology, publishing) The numbering of the folios of a manuscript or a book.
IODATIONSiodations n. Plural of iodation.
IODATION n. the act of iodating.
ISOLATIONisolation n. (Chiefly uncountable) The state of being isolated, detached, or separated; the state of being away from other people.
isolation n. The act of isolating.
isolation n. (Diplomacy, of a country) The state of not having diplomatic relations with other countries (either…
OBVIATIONobviation n. The act of obviating; deterrence or prevention.
OBVIATION n. the action of obviating something.
OCTONARIIoctonarii n. Plural of octonarius.
OCTONARIUS n. in prosody, a line having eight feet, also OCTONARIAN.
OXIDATIONoxidation n. The combination of a substance with oxygen.
oxidation n. (Chemistry) A reaction in which the atoms of an element lose electrons and the oxidation state of the…
OXIDATION n. the act of oxidizing.
SOCIATIONsociation n. (Botany) A plant community.
sociation n. (Ecology) The stable interactions and influences among the species within a coenose.
sociation n. (Sociology) Interactions and relationships among people.
VARIOLOIDvarioloid adj. Of or resembling smallpox.
varioloid n. A milder outbreak of smallpox occurring in a person who has previously been infected.
VARIOLOID n. a disease resembling variola, smallpox.
VIOLATIONviolation n. The act or an instance of violating or the condition of being violated.
VIOLATION n. the act of violating.
VOMITORIAvomitoria n. Plural of vomitorium.
VOMITORIUM n. (Latin) an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out, also VOMITORY.
ZOOPHILIAzoophilia n. Human sexual attraction toward or sexual interaction with non-human animals.
zoophilia n. (Uncommon, chiefly derogatory) Excessive fondness for animals.
ZOOPHILIA n. the love of animals; erotic fondness for animals, also ZOOPHILISM, ZOOPHILY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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