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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, H, I, P and V

KNAVESHIPknaveship n. (Uncountable) The condition of being a knave (used mockingly).
knaveship n. (Countable, obsolete, Scotland) A quantity of corn or flour due to a miller’s servant from each batch…
KNAVESHIP n. a small due, in meal, established by usage, which is paid to the under miller.
PHILAVERYPHILAVERY n. an idiosyncratic collection of uncommon and pleasing words.
RIVALSHIPrivalship n. (Now rare). Rivalry.
rivalship n. (Fandom slang) A ship involving characters with an adversarial relationship.
RIVALSHIP n. rivalry.
SLAVOPHILSlavophil n. Alternative form of Slavophile.
SLAVOPHIL n. a person who admires the Slavs or their culture, also SLAVOPHILE.
UPHEAVINGupheaving v. Present participle of upheave.
upheaving n. Upheaval.
UPHEAVE v. to heave up.
VAMPIRISHvampirish adj. Pertaining to a vampire, characteristic of a vampire; photophobic, parasitic etc.
VAMPIRISH adj. like a vampire.
VAMPISHLYvampishly adv. In a vampish manner.
VAMPISH adv. like a vamp, sultry, seductive, also VAMPY.
VAPOURISHvapourish adj. Characteristic of vapour.
vapourish adj. (Dated) hypochondriacal; affected by hysterics; splenetic; peevish.
VAPOURISH adj. resembling or suggestive of vapours, also VAPORISH.
VIBRAHARPvibraharp n. The vibraphone.
VIBRAHARP n. an instrument having metal bars under which are electrically-operated resonators, played by striking the bars with small hammers, also VIBRAPHONE.
VICARSHIPvicarship n. The office or dignity of a vicar.
VICARSHIP n. the office or dignity of a vicar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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