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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, H, I, K and O

ANTISHOCKantishock adj. That counteracts or reduces shock, or its effects.
antishock n. (Countable) A shock wave that gains energy when fluid flows through the shock front.
antishock n. (Uncountable) A cushioning system for counteracting shock.
ARTICHOKEartichoke n. A plant related to the thistle with enlarged flower heads eaten as a vegetable while immature, Cynara…
artichoke n. A dull green colour, like that of an artichoke.
ARTICHOKE n. a thistle-like perennial plant with large fleshy scaly head and bracts and edible receptacle.
BAHOOKIESbahookies n. Plural of bahookie.
BAHOOKIE n. (colloquial) the buttocks.
BIOHACKERbiohacker n. (Informal) A person that engages in biohacking.
BIOHACKER n. one who engages in biohacking.
CHAINWORKchainwork n. Work looped or linked after the manner of a chain.
CHAINWORK n. work looped or linked like a chain.
CHOKIDARSchokidars n. Plural of chokidar.
CHOKIDAR n. (Urdu) a watchman, also CHOWKIDAR.
CHOWKIDARchowkidar n. Alternative form of chaukidar.
CHOWKIDAR n. (Urdu) a watchman, also CHOKIDAR.
GAWKIHOODGAWKIHOOD n. ungainliness, gawkiness.
HAIRLOCKShairlocks n. Plural of hairlock.
HAIRLOCK n. a lock of hair.
HAIRWORKShairworks n. Plural of hairwork.
HAIRWORK n. the making of articles from hair.
HANDIWORKhandiwork n. Work done by the hands.
handiwork n. A handmade object; handicraft.
handiwork n. Work done personally.
HAVOCKINGhavocking v. Present participle of havoc.
HAVOC v. to lay waste.
HORIATIKIhoriatiki n. Greek salad.
HORIATIKI n. (Modern Greek) a traditional Greek salad.
KAHIKATOAkahikatoa n. (New Zealand) Leptospermum scoparium, the manuka.
KAHIKATOA n. (Maori) a New Zealand myrtaceous tree, with strong elastic wood and aromatic leaves.
KNIPHOFIAkniphofia n. Any of several plants, of the genus Kniphofia, having bright, upright flowers.
Kniphofia prop.n. The tritoma or red-hot poker.
KNIPHOFIA n. any plant of the Kniphofia genus, the red-hot poker.
KOHLRABISkohlrabis n. Plural of kohlrabi.
KOHLRABI n. (German) a variety of cabbage.
PACHINKOSpachinkos n. Plural of pachinko.
PACHINKO n. (Japanese) a Japanese pinball game.
TAILHOOKStailhooks n. Plural of tailhook.
TAILHOOK n. a hook lowered from the tail of an aircraft to engage a braking cable.
THYLAKOIDthylakoid n. (Biology) a folded membrane within plant chloroplasts from which grana are made, used in photosynthesis.
THYLAKOID n. any of a membranous disk of lamellae within plant chloroplasts.
WHAKAIROSWHAKAIRO n. (Maori) the art of carving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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