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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, G, R and 2U

AUGURSHIPaugurship n. (Historical) The office (or period of office) of an augur in ancient Rome.
AUGURSHIP n. the office, or period of office, of an augur.
BLAGUEURSblagueurs n. Plural of blagueur.
BLAGUEUR n. (French) one who talks pretentious nonsense, also BLAGUER.
FAUBOURGSfaubourgs n. Plural of faubourg.
FAUBOURG n. (French) a suburb just beyond the walls or a district recently included within a city.
FULGURANTfulgurant adj. Resembling a lightning flash; fulgurous.
FULGURANT adj. flashing like lightning, also FULGOROUS, FULGUROUS.
FULGURATEfulgurate v. To flash or emit flashes like lightning.
fulgurate v. (Medicine) To cauterize with electricity; to carry out electrofulguration or to electrocauterize.
FULGURATE v. to flash like lightning.
GARRULOUSgarrulous adj. Excessively or tiresomely talkative.
garrulous adj. (Of something written or performed) Excessively wordy and rambling.
GARRULOUS adj. talkative.
GRANULOUSgranulous adj. Granular.
GRANULOUS adj. consisting of or like grains or granules, also GRANULOSE.
GUTTURALSgutturals n. Plural of guttural.
GUTTURAL n. a sound produced in the throat, or by the back of the tongue and the (soft) palate.
INAUGURALinaugural adj. Of inauguration; as in a speech or lecture by the person being inaugurated.
inaugural adj. Marking the beginning of an operation, venture, etc.
inaugural n. An inauguration; a formal beginning.
MUDGUARDSmudguards n. Plural of mudguard.
MUDGUARD n. a fender.
OUTARGUEDoutargued v. Simple past tense and past participle of outargue.
out-argued v. Simple past tense and past participle of out-argue.
out␣argued v. Simple past tense and past participle of out argue.
OUTARGUESoutargues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outargue.
out-argues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of out-argue.
out␣argues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of out argue.
OUTGUARDSoutguards n. Plural of outguard.
OUTGUARD n. a guard or small body of troops at a distance from the main body of an army.
SUGARBUSHsugarbush n. A grove of maple trees.
sugar␣bush n. An evergreen shrub found in south-western United States of America, Rhus ovata.
sugar␣bush n. (North America) A forest of sugar maples or other trees tapped for sugar.
SUGARPLUMsugarplum n. Alternative spelling of sugar-plum.
sugar-plum n. A round or oval sweet/piece of candy made of boiled sugar.
sugar-plum n. (Dated) A piece of flattery.
TRUQUAGESTRUQUAGE n. (French) the faking of works of art, also TRUCAGE.
UNFRAUGHTunfraught adj. Not fraught.
UNFRAUGHT v. to unload.
UNGUARDEDunguarded adj. Having no guard or protection; vulnerable.
unguarded adj. Displaying a lack of caution or thought.
UNGUARD v. to leave unprotected.
UPDRAUGHTupdraught n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of updraft.
UPDRAUGHT n. an upwards movement of air, also UPDRAFT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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