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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, G, H, R and W

GEARWHEELgearwheel n. Alternative spelling of gear wheel.
gear-wheel n. Alternative spelling of gear wheel.
gear␣wheel n. (Mechanics) A wheel with a toothed rim, intended to engage with others, or similar equipment, to form a gear.
GREENWASHgreenwash n. A false or misleading picture of environmental friendliness used to conceal or obscure damaging activities.
greenwash v. To disseminate such information about (something). Most often used to tout technologies, products, or…
GREENWASH v. to cover with a specious overlay of concern for the environment.
HAIRWINGSHAIRWING n. a fishing lure tied with hair.
HARROWINGharrowing v. Present participle of harrow.
harrowing adj. Causing pain or distress.
harrowing n. The process of breaking up earth with a harrow.
NIGHTWARDnightward adj. Toward night.
NIGHTWARD adv. approaching night.
NIGHTWEARnightwear n. Clothes worn at nighttime or in bed, such as pyjamas.
NIGHTWEAR n. clothes worn at night.
RAGWHEELSRAGWHEEL n. a toothed wheel.
RAWHIDINGrawhiding v. Present participle of rawhide.
RAWHIDE v. to beat with a type of whip.
REWASHINGrewashing v. Present participle of rewash.
REWASH v. to wash again.
RIGHTWARDrightward adj. To or from the right.
rightward adv. To or from the right.
RIGHTWARD adj. toward the right.
THWARTINGthwarting v. Present participle of thwart.
thwarting n. An instance of blocking or obstructing.
THWARTING adj. obstructive.
WAGHALTERwaghalter n. Alternative form of wag-halter.
wag-halter n. (Obsolete) Someone who is likely to swing in a halter; someone likely to be hanged.
WAGHALTER n. a felon likely to swing from the gallows.
WASHERINGwashering v. Present participle of washer.
WASHER v. to fit with a washer or small valve.
WHARFAGESwharfages n. Plural of wharfage.
WHARFAGE n. the fee or duty paid for the privilege of using a wharf for loading or unloading goods.
WHARFINGSwharfings n. Plural of wharfing.
WHARFING n. material used for making wharfs.
WHEATGERMwheatgerm n. Alternative spelling of wheat germ.
wheat␣germ n. Embryo or nucleus of the wheat kernel.
WHEATGERM n. the vitamin-rich embryo of the wheat kernel.
WINGCHAIRwingchair n. Alternative form of wing chair.
wing␣chair n. A chair with a high back from which project small side pieces, originally to protect from draught.
WINGCHAIR n. a chair with forward projections from the back.
WREATHINGwreathing v. Present participle of wreath.
wreathing v. Present participle of wreathe.
wreathing n. The motion or pattern of something that wreaths.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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