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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2H and T

DASHLIGHTdashlight n. A light illuminating the dashboard of an automobile.
DASHLIGHT n. a light illuminating the dashboard of an automobile, esp. at night.
HAGGADOTHHaggadoth prop.n. Plural of Haggada.
Haggadoth prop.n. Plural of Haggadah.
HAGGADAH n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also AGGADA, AGGADAH, HAGGADA.
HATCHINGShatchings n. Plural of hatching.
HATCHING n. shading in fine lines.
HATCHLINGhatchling n. A newly hatched bird, reptile or other animal that has emerged from an egg.
HATCHLING n. a creature just hatched.
HAUGHTIERhaughtier adj. Comparative form of haughty: more haughty.
HAUGHTY adj. arrogant.
HAUGHTILYhaughtily adv. In a haughty manner; with excessive or unwarranted pride.
HAUGHTY adv. arrogant.
HEADLIGHTheadlight n. A bright light, with a lens and reflector, on the front of a motor vehicle (or originally a ship or…
headlight n. (US, slang, vulgar, chiefly in the plural) A woman’s breast.
headlight n. (Canada, slang, vulgar, chiefly in the plural) A woman’s erect nipples, partially masked by clothing.
HEARTHRUGhearthrug n. A rug placed in front of a fireplace, on the hearth.
HEARTHRUG n. a rug spread in front of a hearth.
HIGHTAILShightails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hightail.
HIGHTAIL v. to retreat rapidly.
HOATCHINGhoatching adj. (Scotland, usually followed by with) Infested; swarming; teeming.
HOATCHING adj. (Scots) infested, swarming e.g. with flies.
NIGHTHAWKnighthawk n. (UK, regional) A nightjar, especially Caprimulgus europaeus (Eurasian nightjar).
nighthawk n. (US) A New World nightjar of the genus Chordeiles, especially Chordeiles minor.
nighthawk n. A person whose preference or custom is to remain awake and active during the night and the early morning hours.
SHEATHINGsheathing n. Something that wraps around or surrounds something, as a sheath encases its blade.
sheathing v. Present participle of sheathe.
SHEATHING n. the act of sheathing.
THATCHINGthatching n. Bundles of hay or straw used to make a roof.
thatching n. The act or art of covering with thatch.
thatching v. Present participle of thatch.
THEOPHAGYtheophagy n. (Rare) The eating or consumption of a god, in a sacramental context.
THEOPHAGY n. the sacramental consumption of a god.
THRASHINGthrashing v. Present participle of thrash.
thrashing n. Action of the verb to thrash.
thrashing n. A beating, especially a severe one.
ULTRAHIGHultrahigh adj. Alternative spelling of ultra-high.
ultra-high adj. Very, extremely, or exceedingly high.
ULTRAHIGH adj. very very high.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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