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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, 2G, M and T

GAMBITINGgambiting v. Present participle of gambit.
GAMBIT v. to sacrifice in order to gain.
GEMMATINGgemmating v. Present participle of gemmate.
GEMMATE v. to reproduce by gemmae.
GIGANTISMgigantism n. The quality or state of being gigantic; being of abnormally large size.
gigantism n. A condition where there is over-production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in a child before…
GIGANTISM n. a tendency to abnormally large size, also GIANTISM.
GIGMANITYgigmanity n. (Derogatory, dated) Narrow concern about, and pride in, one’s respectability; a petty sense of decorum.
GIGMANITY n. narrow middle-class Philistinism.
MAGGOTIERMAGGOTY adj. full of maggots.
MIGRATINGmigrating v. Present participle of migrate.
MIGRATE v. to move from one region to another.
MONTAGINGmontaging v. Present participle of montage.
MONTAGE v. (French) to combine into a composite picture.
MORTGAGEDmortgaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of mortgage.
MORTGAGE v. to pledge to a creditor as security.
MORTGAGEEmortgagee n. One who provides a loan secured upon the borrowers’ property, the lender in a mortgage agreement.
MORTGAGEE n. one who has a mortgage.
MORTGAGERmortgager n. One who uses property they own as security for a loan; the borrower in a mortgage agreement.
MORTGAGER n. one who gives a mortgage, also MORTGAGOR.
MORTGAGESmortgages n. Plural of mortgage.
mortgages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mortgage.
MORTGAGE v. to pledge to a creditor as security.
MORTGAGORmortgagor n. Alternative spelling of mortgager.
MORTGAGOR n. one who gives a mortgage, also MORTGAGER.
MYSTAGOGSmystagogs n. Plural of mystagog.
MYSTAGOG n. one who teaches mystical doctrines or one who initiates others into religious cults, also MYSTAGOGUE, MYSTAGOGUS.
MYSTAGOGYmystagogy n. The doctrines, principles, or practice of a mystagogue; interpretation of mysteries.
MYSTAGOGY n. the doctrines, principles, or practice of a mystagogue.
SIGMATINGsigmating v. Present participle of sigmate.
SIGMATE v. to add a sign to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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