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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, F, T, U and Y

CANDYTUFTcandytuft n. Any of the genus Iberis of flowering plants.
CANDYTUFT n. a cruciferous plant of the genus Iberis, with flowers in tufts or corymbs, the outer petals larger than the inner.
FACTUALLYfactually adv. In a factual manner.
FACTUAL adv. actual, real.
FACUNDITYfacundity n. (Archaic) eloquence; readiness of speech.
FACUNDITY n. eloquence.
FATEFULLYfatefully adv. In a fateful manner.
FATEFUL adv. critical, fraught with destiny.
FATUOUSLYfatuously adv. With smug stupidity or vacuous silliness; idiotically.
FATUOUS adv. silly; purposeless, also FATUITOUS.
FEATURELYfeaturely adj. Having features; showing marked peculiarities; handsome.
FEATURELY adj. (archaic) handsome.
FEUDALITYfeudality n. The state or quality of being feudal; feudal form or constitution.
FEUDALITY n. the state of being feudal.
FEUDATORYfeudatory adj. Relating to feudalism, feudal.
feudatory n. A feudal vassal.
feudatory n. A feudal territory, a fief.
FLAUNTILYflauntily adv. In a flaunty manner.
FLAUNTY adv. showy.
FRUCTUARYfructuary n. One who enjoys the profits or increase of anything.
FRUCTUARY n. a person enjoying the fruits of anything.
FRUGALITYfrugality n. The quality of being frugal; prudent economy; thrift.
frugality n. A sparing use; sparingness.
FRUGALITY n. the state of being frugal.
FURCATELYfurcately adv. In a furcate manner.
FURCATE adv. forked.
HATEFULLYhatefully adv. In a hateful manner.
HATEFUL adv. detestable.
OUTCRAFTYoutcrafty v. (Transitive) To exceed in craft or cunning; overpower by guile.
OUTCRAFTY v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in cunning.
REFUTABLYrefutably adv. So as to be refutable.
REFUTABLE adv. that can be refuted.
TACTFULLYtactfully adv. In a tactful manner.
TACTFUL adv. having tact.
TEARFULLYtearfully adv. In a tearful manner.
TEARFUL adv. full of tears.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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