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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, F, S, T and Y

AFTEREYESafter-eyes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of after-eye.
AFTEREYE v. (Shakespeare) to gaze after.
BAYFRONTSbayfronts n. Plural of bayfront.
BAYFRONT n. the shoreline of a bay.
BIOSAFETYbiosafety n. Protection from potential harm from biological agents, such as infectious microbes or modified genes.
BIOSAFETY n. safety with respect to the effects of biological research.
FANTASTRYfantastry n. Something fantastical.
FANTASTRY n. dandyism, also PHANTASTRY.
FATUOUSLYfatuously adv. With smug stupidity or vacuous silliness; idiotically.
FATUOUS adv. silly; purposeless, also FATUITOUS.
FAYALITESfayalites n. Plural of fayalite.
FAYALITE n. a silicate of iron found in slag and occurring naturally.
FENTANYLSfentanyls n. Plural of fentanyl.
FENTANYL n. a narcotic opioid.
FORESTAYSforestays n. Plural of forestay.
FORESTAY n. a rope or wire used to support a foremast.
FORSYTHIAforsythia n. Any of several shrubs, of the genus Forsythia, native to Asia and Eastern Europe, that are cultivated…
Forsythia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Oleaceae – the forsythias, native to Eurasia, principally east Asia.
FORSYTHIA n. any shrub of the genus Forsythia, a popular garden plant producing clusters of yellow jasmine-like flowers in the spring.
FRONTWAYSfrontways adv. Towards the front; forward.
FRONTWAYS adv. towards the front, also FRONTWISE.
LAYSHAFTSlayshafts n. Plural of layshaft.
LAYSHAFT n. a shaft in a gearbox, allowing choice of gear ratios.
PLATYFISHplatyfish n. Certain fish of the genus Xiphophorus lacking a sword-like extension of the lower tailfin.
PLATYFISH n. a small tropical fish, also PLATY.
SAFETYINGsafetying v. Present participle of safety.
SAFETY v. to protect against failure, breakage or accident.
SAFETYMANSAFETYMAN n. a type of defensive player in American football.
SAFETYMENSAFETYMAN n. a type of defensive player in American football.
SPLAYFEETsplayfeet n. Plural of splayfoot.
SPLAYFOOT n. a foot that is abnormally flattened and spread out.
SPLAYFOOTsplayfoot n. (Uncountable) A deformity in which the feet are abnormally flat and turned outwards.
splayfoot n. (Countable) A foot exhibiting that deformity.
SPLAYFOOT n. a foot that is abnormally flattened and spread out.
STYROFOAMstyrofoam n. Expanded polystyrene foam, such as is used in cups and packaging.
STYROFOAM n. (tradename) a type of expanded plastic made from polystyrene.
TYPEFACEStypefaces n. Plural of typeface.
type␣faces n. Plural of type face.
TYPEFACE n. the face of printing type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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