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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, F, O, R and Z

CALFDOZERcalfdozer n. A small bulldozer.
CALFDOZER n. a small bulldozer.
FACTORIZEfactorize v. (Mathematics, transitive) To create a list of the factors of.
factorize v. (Mathematics, transitive) To divide an expression into a list of items that, when multiplied together…
factorize v. (US, transitive) To warn not to pay or give up goods.
FORMALIZEformalize v. To give something a definite form; to shape.
formalize v. To give something a formal or official standing.
formalize v. To act with formality.
FORZANDOSforzandos n. Plural of forzando.
FORZANDO n. (Italian) a suddenly emphasised passage of music, also FORZATO, SFORZANDO, SFORZATO.
RAZORFISHrazorfish n. Any of various not closely related fish, including those of the genera Aeoliscus, Centriscus, and Xyrichtys.
razorfish n. The razor clam.
RAZORFISH n. a lamellibranch mollusc with a shell like an old-fashioned razor handle, also RAZORCLAM.
SFORZANDIsforzandi n. Plural of sforzando.
SFORZANDO n. (Italian) a suddenly emphasised passage of music, also FORZANDO, FORZATO, SFORZATO.
SFORZANDOsforzando n. (Music) A mark that indicates that a note is to be played with a strong initial attack.
sforzando n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
sforzando adv. (Music) Played in this style.
SFORZATOSsforzatos n. Plural of sforzato.
SFORZATO n. (Italian) a suddenly emphasised passage of music, also FORZANDO, FORZATO, SFORZANDO.
ZOOGRAFTSzoografts n. Plural of zoograft.
ZOOGRAFT n. animal tissue grafted onto a human.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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