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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, F, H, T and U

BREATHFULbreathful adj. That breathes.
breathful adj. Focused on control of one’s breathing.
breathful adj. Full of breath; breathy.
BUSHCRAFTbushcraft n. The skills needed to survive in the bush, and by extension in any natural environment.
BUSHCRAFT n. practical knowledge of the bush and skill in its ways.
FAITHCUREfaithcure n. Alternative form of faith-cure.
faith-cure n. The act or process of curing disease by calling on the faith and expectations of the patient, without…
FAITHCURE n. a cure or healing through prayer or faith in God.
FAITHFULSfaithfuls n. Plural of faithful.
FAITHFUL n. one who is faithful.
FLASHTUBEflashtube n. Synonym of flashlamp.
FLASHTUBE n. a gas discharge tube that produces very brief intense flashes of light and is used esp. in photography.
FLAUGHTEDFLAUGHT v. (Scots) to cut, pare.
FLAUGHTERflaughter n. A flat spade used in peat cutting.
FLAUGHTER v. (Scots) to cut turfs.
FRAUGHTEDfraughted v. Simple past tense and past participle of fraught.
FRAUGHT v. to load with tension.
FRAUGHTERfraughter adj. Comparative form of fraught: more fraught.
FRAUGHT adj. laden with tension.
FUGHETTASfughettas n. Plural of fughetta.
FUGHETTA n. (Italian) a short fugue.
HATEFULLYhatefully adv. In a hateful manner.
HATEFUL adv. detestable.
HEALTHFULhealthful adj. Beneficial to bodily health.
healthful adj. Conducive to moral or spiritual prosperity; salutary.
healthful adj. (Archaic) Synonym of healthy (“evincing health”).
HIFALUTINhifalutin adj. Alternative form of highfalutin.
HIFALUTIN adj. pretentious, affected, also HIGHFALUTIN, HIGHFALUTING.
SCATHEFULscatheful adj. (Archaic) Causing harm or mischief; destructive, injurious.
SCATHEFUL adj. harmful.
SUBSHAFTSsubshafts n. Plural of subshaft.
SUBSHAFT n. a shaft that is beneath another shaft.
THIOFURANthiofuran n. Thiophene.
THIOFURAN n. a five-membered heterocyclic compound with sulphur, aka thiophen.
THREATFULthreatful adj. Threatening.
THREATFUL adj. full of threats; having a menacing appearance.
UNFRAUGHTunfraught adj. Not fraught.
UNFRAUGHT v. to unload.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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