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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, E, N, U and X

ANNEXURESannexures n. Plural of annexure.
ANNEXURE n. something added, esp. to a public document.
EXECUTANTexecutant n. A person who executes a dance or piece of music; a performer.
executant n. A person who puts something into action, such as a plan or design.
EXECUTANT n. one who executes or performs, esp. a performer on a musical instrument.
EXTENUATEextenuate adj. Of a person: emaciated, wasted, weakened; of the body or part of it: atrophied, shrunken, withered.
extenuate adj. Of a quality or thing: lessened, weakened.
extenuate adj. Reduced to poverty; impoverished.
EXUBERANTexuberant adj. (Of people) Very high-spirited; extremely energetic and enthusiastic.
exuberant adj. (Literary, of things that grow) Abundant, luxuriant.
EXUBERANT adj. luxuriant, overflowing.
EXUDATIONexudation n. The act or process of exuding.
exudation n. Something that is exuded.
EXUDATION n. the act of exuding.
EXULTANCEexultance n. Exultation.
EXULTANCE n. exultation, also EXULTANCY.
EXULTANCYexultancy n. Exultance, exultation.
EXULTANCY n. exultation, also EXULTANCE.
FAUXMANCEfauxmance n. A fake romance between celebrities, arranged for publicity.
FAUXMANCE n. (colloquial) a fake romance between two celebrities in order to gain press coverage.
NEURAXONSNEURAXON n. a part of a neuron.
NONSEXUALnonsexual adj. Asexual; lacking sexual reproductive capabilities; neuter.
nonsexual adj. Not involving sexuality or sexual arousal; platonic.
non-sexual adj. Alternative form of nonsexual.
PANSEXUALpansexual adj. Sexually attracted to people regardless of gender.
pansexual adj. Sexually attracted to everyone.
pansexual adj. Welcoming people of all sexual orientations.
UNANNEXEDunannexed adj. Not annexed.
UNANNEXED adj. not annexed.
UNEXALTEDunexalted adj. Not exalted.
UNEXALTED adj. not exalted.
UNISEXUALunisexual adj. Of an organism, having characteristics of a single sex (as opposed to hermaphrodites).
unisexual adj. Of a species, having only a single (potentially hermaphroditic) sex (as opposed to bisexual).
unisexual adj. Unisex; suitable for any sex or gender.
UNMIXABLEunmixable adj. Not mixable, not able to mix.
UNMIXABLE adj. that cannot be mixed.
UNRELAXEDunrelaxed adj. Not relaxed.
UNRELAXED adj. not relaxed.
UNTAXABLEuntaxable adj. That cannot be taxed.
untaxable adj. On which tax is not paid.
UNTAXABLE adj. not taxable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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