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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, J, N and U

ADJOURNEDadjourned v. Simple past tense and past participle of adjourn.
adjourned adj. (Of a meeting, event or trial) Having been adjourned; suspended or paused.
ADJOURN v. to suspend until a later time.
BANJULELEbanjulele n. Alternative form of banjolele.
BANJULELE n. a small banjo with gut strings, also BANJOLELE.
BLUEJEANSbluejeans n. Alternative spelling of blue jeans.
blue␣jeans n. A pair of trousers made from denim cotton and dyed dark blue.
BLUEJEANS n. blue denim jeans.
CONJUGATEconjugate v. (Grammar, transitive) To inflect (a verb) for each person, in order, for one or more tenses; to list…
conjugate v. (Mathematics) To multiply on the left by one element and on the right by its inverse.
conjugate v. (Rare) To join together, to unite; to juxtapose.
INJURABLEinjurable adj. Capable of being injured.
INJURABLE adj. that can be injured.
JAUNDICEDjaundiced adj. (Pathology) Affected with jaundice.
jaundiced adj. (Figuratively) Prejudiced; envious.
JAUNDICE v. to prejudice unfavourably.
JAUNDICESjaundices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jaundice.
JAUNDICE v. to prejudice unfavourably.
JAUNTIESTjauntiest adj. Superlative form of jaunty: most jaunty.
JAUNTY adj. briskly self-assured, also JANTY, JANTEE, JAUNTEE, JAUNTIE.
JOUISANCEjouisance n. Obsolete spelling of jouissance.
JOUISANCE n. (Spenser) joyousness, also JOUYSAUNCE, JOVYSAUNCE.
JOURNALEDjournaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of journal.
JOURNAL v. to record in a journal.
JUBILANCEjubilance n. Jubilation.
JUBILANCE n. jubilation, also JUBILANCY.
JUNEATINGjuneating n. Alternative form of geniting.
JUNEATING n. an erroneous form of jenneting, an early type of apple, also JENNETING.
JUNIORATEjuniorate n. (Religion) A secondary school for young people planning to enter religious life.
JUNIORATE n. a course of high school or college study for candidates for the priesthood.
JUVENILIAjuvenilia n. (Literature, plural only) Works produced during an artist’s or author’s youth.
JUVENILIA n. (Latin) works of one's youth; early works of an artist or author.
MUJAHEDINmujahedin n. Alternative form of mujahideen.
MUJAHEDIN n. (Arabic) Islamic fundamentalist freedom fighters, also MOJAHEDIN, MUJAHEDDIN, MUJAHEDEEN, MUJAHIDEEN, MUJAHIDIN.
SUBJACENTsubjacent adj. Lying beneath or at a lower level; underlying.
SUBJACENT adj. lying under or below something.
UNABJUREDunabjured adj. Not abjured.
UNABJURED adj. not abjured.
UNDERJAWSunderjaws n. Plural of underjaw.
UNDERJAW n. the lower jaw.
UNIJUGATEunijugate adj. (Botany, of a pinnate leaf) Having only one pair of leaflets.
UNIJUGATE adj. of a compound leaf, having only pair of leaflets.
UNJEALOUSunjealous adj. Not jealous.
UNJEALOUS adj. not jealous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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