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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, D, 2M and T

AMENDMENTamendment n. An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices.
amendment n. In public bodies, any alteration made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion that adds, changes…
amendment n. (Law) Correction of an error in a writ or process.
DATACOMMSdatacomms n. Data communications.
DATACOMMS n. (short for) data communications.
DERMATOMEdermatome n. An instrument used surgically to remove a thin slice of skin for grafting.
dermatome n. An area of skin which is innervated by afferent nerve fibers coming to a single posterior spinal root.
dermatome n. The cutis plate.
DOGMATISMdogmatism n. The manner or character of a dogmatist; arrogance or positiveness in stating opinion.
DOGMATISM n. the manner or character of a dogmatist; arrogance or positiveness in stating opinion.
DREAMTIMEDreamtime prop.n. (Australian Aboriginal mythology) The time of the creation of the world, by the ancestors out of their own essence.
DREAMTIME n. in the mythology of Australian Aboriginals, the time when the earth and patterns of life on earth took shape.
GODDAMMITgoddammit interj. Alternative form of goddamn.
god␣dammit interj. Alternative form of goddamn.
GODDAMMIT interj. an oath expressing anger, surprise, irritation, etc.
IMMANTLEDimmantled v. Simple past tense and past participle of immantle.
IMMANTLE v. to cloak in a mantle.
IMMEDIATEimmediate adj. Happening right away, instantly, with no delay.
immediate adj. Very close; direct or adjacent.
immediate adj. Manifestly true; requiring no argument.
IMMOLATEDimmolated v. Simple past tense and past participle of immolate.
IMMOLATE v. to kill as a sacrifice.
MARTYRDOMmartyrdom n. The condition of a martyr; the death of a martyr; the suffering of death on account of adherence to…
martyrdom n. Extreme suffering, affliction; torment; torture, especially without reason.
MARTYRDOM n. the state of being a martyr.
MASTERDOMmasterdom n. (Now rare) Dominion; rule, supremacy.
MASTERDOM n. dominion; rule; command.
MATCHMADEmatchmade v. Simple past tense and past participle of matchmake.
MATCHMAKE v. to bring suitable people together for marriage.
MIDSTREAMmidstream n. The middle of a stream or river.
midstream adv. In midstream, abruptly.
mid-stream n. Alternative form of midstream.
OMMATIDIAommatidia n. Plural of ommatidium.
OMMATIDIUM n. a simple element of a compound eye.
POMATUMEDpomatumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
STAMMEREDstammered adj. Of speech: irregular or halting.
stammered v. Simple past tense and past participle of stammer.
STAMMER v. to speak with involuntary breaks and pauses.
TALMUDISMTalmudism n. The teachings of the Talmud, or adherence to them.
Talmudism n. (Chiefly Christianity, derogatory) Rabbinic Judaism (used by some to imply that post-Christian Judaism…
TALMUDISM n. belief in the doctrines of the talmud, the body of the Jewish civil and canonical law not comprised in the Pentateuch.
TRAMMELEDtrammeled v. (US) simple past tense and past participle of trammel.
TRAMMEL v. to hinder, also TRAMEL, TRAMELL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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