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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, D, I, L and X

ALDOXIMESaldoximes n. Plural of aldoxime.
ALDOXIME n. an oxime formed by reaction between hydroxylamine and an aldehyde.
ALKOXIDESalkoxides n. Plural of alkoxide.
ALKOXIDE n. a basic salt derived from an alcohol by the replacement of a hydroxyl hydrogen with a metal.
CHILLAXEDchillaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chillax.
CHILLAX v. to relax completely.
DISCLIMAXdisclimax n. (US) plagioclimax.
DISCLIMAX n. a relatively stable ecological community not progressing to climax because of the intervention of e.g. man.
DYSLEXIASdyslexias n. Plural of dyslexia.
DYSLEXIA n. impairment of the ability to read.
EXCLAIMEDexclaimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of exclaim.
EXCLAIM v. to cry out in surprise.
EXPLAINEDexplained v. Simple past tense and past participle of explain.
EXPLAIN v. to make clear and understandable.
HEXAPLOIDhexaploid adj. Having six complete sets of chromosomes in a single cell.
hexaploid n. A cell or organism that has six complete sets of chromosomes.
HEXAPLOID n. a cell having six times the ordinary number of chromosomes.
INDEXABLEindexable adj. That can be indexed.
INDEXABLE adj. that can be indexed.
INDEXICALindexical adj. Of, pertaining to, or like, an index; having the form of an index.
indexical adj. (Linguistics, philosophy) Having or imparting a meaning, or signifying a referent, that changes according to context.
indexical n. (Linguistics, philosophy) An indexical term.
NALIDIXICnalidixic adj. Of or pertaining to nalidixic acid or its derivatives.
NALIDIXIC adj. as in nalidixic acid, a synthetic compound used to treat infections of the urinary tract.
PIXELATEDpixelated adj. (Computing) Of an image, visibly made of discrete pixels.
pixelated v. Simple past tense and past participle of pixelate.
PIXELATE v. to divide an image into pixels for display in a digital format, also PIXELLATE, PIXILATE, PIXILLATE.
PIXILATEDpixilated adj. Behaving in an eccentric manner, as though led by pixies.
pixilated adj. Whimsical.
pixilated adj. Drunk.
PYRIDOXALpyridoxal n. (Biochemistry) One of the three natural forms of vitamin B6.
PYRIDOXAL n. a crystalline aldehyde of the vitamin B6 group.
XIPHOIDALxiphoidal adj. Xiphoid; sword-shaped.
XIPHOIDAL adj. swordlike, also XIPHOID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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