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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, D, 2G and U

ADJUDGINGadjudging v. Present participle of adjudge.
ADJUDGE v. to decide; to award.
ANGLEDUGSANGLEDUG n. (English dialect) an earthworm, also ANGLETWITCH.
DEMAGOGUEdemagogue n. (Derogatory) A political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and…
demagogue n. (Historical) A leader of the people.
demagogue v. (Intransitive and transitive) To speak or act in the manner of a demagogue; to speak about (an issue)…
GROUNDAGEgroundage n. (Nautical) A local tax paid by a ship for the ground or space it occupies while in port.
GROUNDAGE n. a charge on a ship in port.
GUARDAGESGUARDAGE n. (Shakespeare) the state of being under a guardian.
GUARDDOGSguard-dogs n. Plural of guard-dog.
guard␣dogs n. Plural of guard dog.
GUARDDOG n. a dog trained to guard persons or property.
LANGUAGEDlanguaged adj. Having a specified type or number of languages.
languaged adj. Skilled in language.
languaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of language.
MISGAUGEDmisgauged v. Simple past tense and past participle of misgauge.
MISGAUGE v. to gauge incorrectly, also MISGAGE.
PEDAGOGUEpedagogue n. A teacher or instructor of children; one whose occupation is to teach the young.
pedagogue n. A pedant; one who by teaching has become overly formal or pedantic in his or her ways; one who has the…
pedagogue n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A slave who led the master’s children to school, and had the charge of them generally.
SLUGGABEDsluggabed n. Alternative form of slugabed.
SLUGGABED n. (Shakespeare) one who indulges in lying abed; a sluggard, also SLUGABED.
SLUGGARDSsluggards n. Plural of sluggard.
SLUGGARD n. a habitually lazy person.
UNENGAGEDunengaged adj. Not engaged.
unengaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of unengage.
UNENGAGED adj. not engaged.
UNSNAGGEDunsnagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of unsnag.
unsnagged adj. Not snagged.
UNSNAG v. to free of snags.
UPDRAGGEDupdragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of updrag.
UPDRAG v. to drag upward.
UPGRADINGupgrading v. Present participle of upgrade.
upgrading n. The process by which something is upgraded.
UPGRADE v. to raise to a higher standard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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