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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, 2D, H and T

ADHIBITEDadhibited v. Simple past tense and past participle of adhibit.
ADHIBIT v. to attach; to administer, esp. as a remedy.
ADULTHOODadulthood n. The state or condition of a human being once it has reached physical maturity, and is presumed to have…
adulthood n. The time period of a human being’s majority; the time during which a human being has reached physical…
ADULTHOOD n. the state of being an adult.
BANDWIDTHbandwidth n. The width, usually measured in hertz, of a frequency band.
bandwidth n. (Of a signal) The width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit.
bandwidth n. (Networking, informal) The rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second; the bitrate.
DEADLIGHTdeadlight n. (Nautical) A strong (often wooden) shutter fitted over a porthole, that can be closed in bad weather…
deadlight n. (Nautical) A deck prism, a device to allow light into the cabin of boat through the deck.
deadlight n. (Figurative) An eyelid.
DEATHBEDSdeathbeds n. Plural of deathbed.
death-beds n. Plural of death-bed.
death␣beds n. Plural of death bed.
DEATHWARDdeathward adv. Toward death.
deathward adj. Which leads toward death.
DEATHWARD adv. toward death, also DEATHWARDS.
DEHYDRATEdehydrate v. To lose or remove water; to dry.
DEHYDRATE v. to dry out, remove the water from.
DRAUGHTEDdraughted v. Simple past tense and past participle of draught.
DRAUGHT v. to draft.
FATHEADEDfatheaded adj. Characteristic of a fathead; stupid.
FATHEADED adj. stupid.
HANDSTANDhandstand n. A movement or position in which a person is upside down, supported by their arms with their hands on the ground.
handstand v. (Intransitive, rare) To perform a handstand.
HANDSTAND n. an act of balancing one's body on the palms of one's hands with one's trunk and legs in the air.
HARDSTANDhardstand n. Open ground, having a hard surface, used for the storage of material or the parking of vehicles.
HARDSTAND n. a hard surface on which cars, aircraft etc. may stand, also HARDSTANDING.
HEADSTANDheadstand n. The act of standing on one’s head.
headstand n. The position of standing on one’s head.
HEADSTAND n. a gymnastic standing on one's head.
HEDERATEDhederated adj. Decorated with ivy; covered by ivy.
HEDERATED adj. crowned with a wreath of ivy, also HEDERAL.
HOTHEADEDhotheaded adj. Pertaining to or characteristic of a hothead or hotheadedness; (of a person) easily excited or angered.
hot-headed adj. Alternative spelling of hotheaded.
HOTHEADED adj. rash, impetuous.
HYDATHODEhydathode n. (Botany) A tissue, in the leaves of many plants, that contains microscopic pores through which water is excreted.
HYDATHODE n. an epidermal water-excreting organ.
THIRDHANDthirdhand adj. Having been relayed by two intermediate sources.
thirdhand adj. Having had two previous owners.
thirdhand adv. By two intermediates.
TOWHEADEDtowheaded adj. Having pale blond hair, resembling tow.
tow-headed adj. Alternative spelling of towheaded.
TOWHEADED adj. with light-coloured hair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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