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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, C, L, N and X

CLIMAXINGclimaxing v. Present participle of climax.
CLIMAX v. to reach a high point.
CLINOAXESclinoaxes n. Plural of clinoaxis.
CLINOAXIS n. in crystallography, the clinodiagonal.
CLINOAXISclinoaxis n. The diagonal axis that makes an oblique angle with the vertical axis in a monoclinic crystal.
CLINOAXIS n. in crystallography, the clinodiagonal.
COAXINGLYcoaxingly adv. In a coaxing manner.
EXULTANCEexultance n. Exultation.
EXULTANCE n. exultation, also EXULTANCY.
EXULTANCYexultancy n. Exultance, exultation.
EXULTANCY n. exultation, also EXULTANCE.
INDEXICALindexical adj. Of, pertaining to, or like, an index; having the form of an index.
indexical adj. (Linguistics, philosophy) Having or imparting a meaning, or signifying a referent, that changes according to context.
indexical n. (Linguistics, philosophy) An indexical term.
INEXACTLYinexactly adv. In a manner not exact or precise; inaccurately.
INEXACT adv. not exact or precise.
NALIDIXICnalidixic adj. Of or pertaining to nalidixic acid or its derivatives.
NALIDIXIC adj. as in nalidixic acid, a synthetic compound used to treat infections of the urinary tract.
OXACILLINoxacillin n. (Pharmacology) A narrow-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic made by chemical modification of penicillin…
OXACILLIN n. a semisynthetic penicillin, used in the treatment of penicillin-resistant conditions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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