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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, C, J, N and T

ABJECTINGabjecting v. Present participle of abject.
ABJECT v. to throw out, cast away.
ABJECTIONabjection n. A low or downcast condition; meanness of spirit; abasement; degradation.
abjection n. (Obsolete, chiefly figuratively) Something cast off; garbage.
abjection n. (Obsolete) The act of bringing down or humbling; casting down.
ADJACENTSadjacents n. Plural of adjacent.
ADJACENT n. in a right angled triangle, the shorter of the two sides adjacent to a given angle.
ADJUNCTLYadjunctly adv. In an adjunct manner.
ADJUNCT adv. attached.
ADJUTANCYadjutancy n. The state or office of being an adjutant, assistant, or helper.
ADJUTANCY n. the office of an adjutant.
CONJUGANTconjugant n. (Genetics) A gamete that undergoes conjugation.
CONJUGANT n. one of a pair of cells undergoing conjugation.
CONJUGATEconjugate v. (Grammar, transitive) To inflect (a verb) for each person, in order, for one or more tenses; to list…
conjugate v. (Mathematics) To multiply on the left by one element and on the right by its inverse.
conjugate v. (Rare) To join together, to unite; to juxtapose.
INJECTANTinjectant n. A substance that is injected.
INJECTANT n. a substance that is injected into something.
JACINTHESJACINTHE n. an orange colour.
JACKETINGjacketing v. Present participle of jacket.
jacketing n. (Countable, uncountable) Material used to make jackets.
jacketing n. (Countable, uncountable) A protective or insulating cover for an object; a jacket.
JACKSTONEjackstone n. A jack; one of the playing pieces in the game of jacks.
JACKSTONE n. a piece used in the game of jacks.
JACTATIONjactation n. A tossing or shaking of the body; physical agitation, especially while asleep or confined to bed by…
jactation n. The action of throwing.
jactation n. Boasting; bragging; showing off.
JUNCTURALjunctural adj. Relating to a juncture.
JUNCTURAL adj. relating to junctures.
SUBJACENTsubjacent adj. Lying beneath or at a lower level; underlying.
SUBJACENT adj. lying under or below something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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