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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, G, P and U

CAMPUSINGcampusing v. Present participle of campus.
CAMPUS v. (Latin) to restrict a student to the school ground.
CAPSULINGcapsuling v. Present participle of capsule.
CAPSULE v. to condense into a brief form.
CAPTURINGcapturing v. Present participle of capture.
CAPTURE v. to take by force or cunning.
CHANGEUPSchangeups n. Plural of changeup.
change-ups n. Plural of change-up.
CHANGEUP n. a type of baseball pitch, a slow pitch thrown like a fastball.
CUPOLAINGCUPOLA v. to furnish with a cupola.
DECOUPAGEdecoupage n. An art technique in which paper cutouts (either from magazines etc or specially made) are glued onto…
decoupage n. An artwork made by this technique.
decoupage v. To perform or use the art technique of decoupage.
OUTPACINGoutpacing v. Present participle of outpace.
OUTPACE v. to move faster than.
PAUNCHINGpaunching v. Present participle of paunch.
PAUNCH v. to disembowel.
PRAUNCINGprauncing v. Present participle of praunce.
PRAUNCE v. (Spenser) to prance.
PUCELAGESpucelages n. Plural of pucelage.
PUCELAGE n. virginity.
PUGNACITYpugnacity n. The act or characteristic of being aggressive or combative.
PUGNACITY n. the state of being pugnacious.
PUNCHBAGSpunchbags n. Plural of punchbag.
PUNCHBAG n. a punching bag, used in boxing training.
SCRAPEGUTscrapegut n. (Obsolete) A fiddler.
SCRAPEGUT n. (archaic) a fiddler.
SCUPPAUGSscuppaugs n. Plural of scuppaug.
SCUPPAUG n. (Native American) a marine fish food, also SCUP.
UNCAPPINGuncapping v. Present participle of uncap.
UNCAP v. to remove the cap from.
UNPACKINGunpacking n. The act by which something is unpacked.
unpacking n. (Linguistics) The separation of the features of a segment (such as a nasal vowel or palatal consonant)…
unpacking v. Present participle of unpack.
UNPLACINGunplacing v. Present participle of unplace.
UNPLACE v. to displace.
UPCASTINGupcasting v. Present participle of upcast.
UPCAST v. to cast up.
UPSCALINGupscaling v. Present participle of upscale.
upscaling n. The act by which something is upscaled; an increase in size or numbers.
UPSCALE v. to appeal to wealthy customers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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