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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, F, L and M

CAMOUFLETcamouflet n. (Military) The resulting cavity in a deep underground burst when there is no rupture of the surface.
CAMOUFLET n. (French) a mine used to destroy an underground enemy emplacement.
CAULIFORMcauliform adj. Having the form of a caulis.
CAULIFORM adj. shaped like or resembling a stem.
CLAVIFORMclaviform adj. (Chiefly biology) Larger at the tip than at the base; club-shaped.
claviform n. (Palaeography) An image or symbol which is club-shaped, that is, larger at the tip than at the base.
claviform adj. (Chiefly biology) Shaped like a nail (“a metallic spike-shaped fastener”).
CONFORMALconformal adj. That conforms, especially to the shape of something.
conformal adj. (Mathematics, of a transformation) That preserves angles between intersecting curves.
conformal adj. (Cartography, of a map projection) That preserves relative angles over small scales, at all but a limited…
FACEMAILSfacemails n. Plural of facemail.
FACEMAIL n. electronic mail delivered by a computer generated face.
FACEPALMSfacepalms n. Plural of facepalm.
facepalms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of facepalm.
face-palms n. Plural of face-palm.
FACSIMILEfacsimile n. (Countable) A copy or reproduction.
facsimile n. (Uncountable) Reproduction in the exact form as the original.
facsimile n. A fax, a machine for making and sending copies of printed material and images via radio or telephone network.
FALCIFORMfalciform adj. Sickle-shaped.
FALCIFORM adj. shaped like a sickle.
FEMICIDALfemicidal adj. Killing women.
FEMICIDAL adj. relating to femicide, the killing of women and girls because of their gender.
FILMCARDSfilmcards n. Plural of filmcard.
FILMCARD n. a fiche, a card or strip of film containing miniaturized data.
FLAMENCOSflamencos n. Plural of flamenco.
FLAMENCO n. (Spanish) an emotionally intense gypsy song or dance.
FORMULAICformulaic adj. Closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original.
FORMULAIC adj. of the nature of a formula.
FUMAROLICfumarolic adj. Of or relating to a fumarole or fumaroles.
FUMAROLIC adj. of or like a fumarole, a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue.
IMPACTFULimpactful adj. Having impact.
IMPACTFUL adj. full of impact.
LANCIFORMlanciform adj. Having the form of a lance.
LANCIFORM adj. shaped like a lance.
MALEFFECTmaleffect n. A bad or harmful effect.
MALEFFECT n. an adverse effect.
MALEFICESmalefices n. Plural of malefice.
MALEFICE n. (archaic) an evil deed; an enchantment.
MIRIFICALmirifical adj. (Obsolete, rare) miraculous, wonderful.
MIRIFICAL adj. working wonders; marvellous, also MIRIFIC.
MYCOFLORAmycoflora n. Fungi collectively, especially those of a particular region.
MYCOFLORA n. the fungi characteristic of a region.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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