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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, C, D and 2U

ACIDULOUSacidulous adj. Slightly sour; sub-acid; sourish.
acidulous adj. (Figurative) Sharp; caustic.
acidulous adj. Containing carbonic acid.
AQUEDUCTSaqueducts n. Plural of aqueduct.
AQUEDUCT n. an artificial channel or pipe for conveying water, most commonly a bridge across a valley.
AUDACIOUSaudacious adj. Showing willingness to take bold risks; recklessly daring.
audacious adj. Impudent, insolent.
CARDUUSESCARDUUS n. (Shakespeare) a thistle.
CAUCUSSEDcaucussed v. Simple past tense and past participle of caucus.
CAUCUS v. to hold a political meeting.
CUMULATEDcumulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of cumulate.
CUMULATE v. to heap together, to accumulate.
RUDACEOUSrudaceous adj. Psephitic.
RUDACEOUS adj. of breccia etc., composed of coarse-grained material.
SUBCAUDALsubcaudal adj. On the underside of the tail.
subcaudal n. Any of the enlarged plates on the underside of a snake’s tail.
SUBCAUDAL adj. situated under, or on the ventral side of, the tail; as, the subcaudal bones.
UNACCRUEDunaccrued adj. Which has not accrued.
UNACCRUED adj. not accrued.
UNACCUSEDunaccused adj. Not accused.
UNACCUSED adj. not accused.
UNCANDOURuncandour n. Lack of candour.
UNCANDOUR n. a lack of candour, also UNCANDOR.
UNDULANCEundulance n. The property of undulating.
UNDULANCE n. the state of being undulant, also UNDULANCY.
UNDULANCYundulancy n. The property of undulating.
UNDULANCY n. the state of being undulant, also UNDULANCE.
UNNUANCEDunnuanced adj. Not nuanced.
UNNUANCED adj. not nuanced.
USUCAPTEDusucapted v. Simple past tense and past participle of usucapt.
USUCAPT v. to acquire by long possession.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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