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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, 2C, G and S

ACCESSINGaccessing v. Present participle of access.
ACCESS v. to have entrance to.
ACCORAGESACCORAGE v. (Spenser) to encourage.
ACCOSTINGaccosting v. Present participle of accost.
accosting n. The act of physically confronting a person.
ACCOST v. to approach and speak to.
ACCURSINGaccursing v. Present participle of accurse.
ACCURSE v. to make cursed.
CACAFOGOScacafogos n. Plural of cacafogo.
CACAFOGO n. (Spanish) a spitfire, a blusterer, also CACAFUEGO.
CARCASINGCARCASE v. to put a carcase or frame on, also CARCASS.
CARUCAGEScarucages n. Plural of carucage.
CARUCAGE n. a feudal tax levied on each carucate of land, i.e. as much land as may be tilled in a year and a day by one plough.
CASCADINGcascading v. Present participle of cascade.
CASCADE v. to fall like a waterfall.
CATCHINGScatchings n. Plural of catching.
CATCHING n. the act of catching.
CAUCUSINGcaucusing v. Present participle of caucus.
CAUCUS v. to hold a political meeting.
CAUSALGICcausalgic adj. Relating to causalgia.
CAUSALGIC adj. relating to causalgia, a constant burning pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve.
CERCLAGEScerclages n. Plural of cerclage.
CERCLAGE n. any of several procedures in which the cervix of the womb is closed to prevent miscarriage.
COACHDOGScoachdogs n. Plural of coachdog.
COACHDOG n. a spotted dog, formerly kept as an attendant on carriages, a Dalmatian dog.
COACHINGScoachings n. Plural of coaching.
COACHING n. the act of tutoring.
CRACKINGScrackings n. Plural of cracking.
CRACKING n. a chemical process.
GAMECOCKSgamecocks n. Plural of gamecock.
GAMECOCK n. a rooster trained for fighting.
GAUCHESCOgauchesco adj. Synonym of gauchesque.
GAUCHESCO adj. (Spanish) of a type of Spanish poetry inspired by the life, language and customs of the gaucho.
GEOCACHESgeocaches n. Plural of geocache.
GEOCACHE v. to search for hidden objects using GPS.
GIMCRACKSgimcracks n. Plural of gimcrack.
gimcracks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gimcrack.
GIMCRACK n. something cheap and showy, of little use, also JIMCRACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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