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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, B, M, N and Y

ABNORMITYabnormity n. (Rare) Alternative form of abnormality.
abnormity n. A monstrosity.
ABNORMITY n. a deviation from the norm (rule); an irregularity.
BABYMOONSbabymoons n. Plural of babymoon.
BABYMOON n. the early period of new parenthood during which parents and a newborn baby form a relationship.
BACKRONYMbackronym n. A word that is originally not an acronym but is turned into one by devising a full form for it, sometimes…
backronym v. To create a backronym.
BACKRONYM n. an acronym formed using the initial letters or syllables of an existing word, also BACRONYM.
BACRONYMSbacronyms n. Plural of bacronym.
BACRONYM n. an acronym formed using the initial letters or syllables of an existing word, also BACKRONYM.
BALDMONEYbaldmoney n. Meum athamanticum, an ornamental plant in the Apiaceae family.
baldmoney n. (Obsolete) A Gentianeae tribe plant, gentian or felwort.
BALDMONEY n. a wild flower, aka meu, spignel or spicknel.
BEAMINGLYbeamingly adv. In a beaming way, or while beaming.
BEAMING adv. smiling broadly.
BELOMANCYbelomancy n. Studying the flight of arrows, an ancient form of divination used by the Greeks and Arabs.
BELOMANCY n. divination by means of arrows.
BOOGEYMANboogeyman n. Alternative form of bogeyman.
Boogeyman n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOOGEYMAN n. a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread, also BOGEY, BOGEYMAN, BOGY, BOGYMAN, BOOGERMAN, BOOGIEMAN, BOOGYMAN.
BYREWOMANBYREWOMAN n. a woman who tends cattle.
EMBAYMENTembayment n. A bay. (the water)
embayment n. The shoreline of a bay, an indentation in a shoreline. (the land, not the water)
embayment n. A topographical feature that used to be a bay, like the Mississippi embayment.
EMBRYONALembryonal adj. Embryonic.
EMBRYONAL adj. of or like an embryo, also EMBRYONIC, EMBRYOTIC.
LAMBENTLYlambently adv. In a lambent manner, brightly.
LAMBENT adv. flickering like a flame.
MANGABEYSmangabeys n. Plural of mangabey.
MANGABEY n. (Malagasy) a long-tailed African monkey, also MANGABY.
MONEYBAGSmoneybags n. Plural of moneybag.
moneybags n. (Informal) A wealthy person.
money␣bags n. Plural of money bag.
MYROBALANmyrobalan n. A plum-like fruit from various trees of the genus Terminalia, formerly used in medicine and now in the…
MYROBALAN n. the astringent fruit of an Indian tree, aka cherry-plum.
NUMERABLYnumerably adv. In a way that allows numbering; countably.
NUMERABLE adv. that can be numbered.
UNMOVABLYunmovably adv. Immovably.
UNMOVABLE adv. that cannot be moved, also UNMOVEABLE.
UNTAMABLYuntamably adv. Alternative form of untameably.
UNTAMABLE adv. not tamable, also UNTAMEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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