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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2M and N

EMBALMINGembalming v. Present participle of embalm.
embalming n. The work of an embalmer.
EMBALMING n. the act of embalming.
EMBAYMENTembayment n. A bay. (the water)
embayment n. The shoreline of a bay, an indentation in a shoreline. (the land, not the water)
embayment n. A topographical feature that used to be a bay, like the Mississippi embayment.
IMBALMINGimbalming v. Present participle of imbalm.
IMBALM v. to impregnate with balm or perfume e.g. to preserve a dead body, also EMBALM.
LUMBERMANlumberman n. A man involved in the production or sale of lumber; a lumberjack or logger.
LUMBERMAN n. someone employed in the felling, sawing etc. of timber, also LUMBERER, LUMBERJACK.
MAINBOOMSmainbooms n. Plural of mainboom.
MAINBOOM n. the spar that extends the foot of a fore-and-aft mainsail.
MANUBRIUMmanubrium n. (Anatomy) The broad, upper part of the sternum.
manubrium n. (Zoology) The tube extending from the central underside of a jellyfish and ending in a mouth.
manubrium n. A knob or handle that controls the stops of an organ.
MEIBOMIANmeibomian adj. Alternative form of Meibomian.
Meibomian adj. Of or relating to Heinrich Meibom (Meibomius; 1638–1700), German physician and scholar.
MEIBOMIAN adj. as in meibomian gland, any of the small sebaceous glands in the eyelid.
MEMBRANALmembranal adj. Of or pertaining to a membrane.
MEMBRANAL adj. of or like a membrane.
MEMBRANEDmembraned adj. Having a (specified type of) membrane.
MEMBRANED adj. having a membrane.
MEMBRANESmembranes n. Plural of membrane.
membranes n. (Medicine, informal, specifically) The amniotic sac.
MEMBRANE n. a thin, pliable layer of tissue.
MOONBEAMSmoonbeams n. Plural of moonbeam.
MOONBEAM n. a ray of light from the moon.
OMBUDSMANombudsman n. An appointed official whose duty is to investigate complaints, generally on behalf of individuals such…
ombudsman n. A designated internal mediator in an organization whose duty is to assist members with conflict resolution…
OMBUDSMAN n. (Swedish) a government official who investigates complaints against government departments.
TIMBERMANtimberman n. A lumberman.
timberman n. A timber dealer.
timberman n. A person who installs timbers in a mine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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