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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing A, B, L, U and V

ABUSIVELYabusively adv. In an abusive manner; rudely; with abusive language.
ABUSIVE adv. in the manner of wrong or improper use.
BINOVULARbinovular adj. Alternative form of biovular.
BINOVULAR adj. relating to or derived from two different ova.
BOULEVARDboulevard n. A broad, well-paved and landscaped thoroughfare.
boulevard n. The landscaping on the sides of a boulevard or other thoroughfare.
boulevard n. A strip of land between a street and sidewalk.
CURVEBALLcurveball n. (Baseball) A forespin pitch thrown by rotating the index and middle fingers down and resulting in motion down "curve".
curveball n. (By extension, chiefly US) An unexpected turn of events initiated by an opponent or chance; an exception or outlier.
curveball v. (Baseball) To throw a curveball.
EVALUABLEevaluable adj. Able to be evaluated in a certain way.
EVALUABLE adj. that can be evaluated.
OVALBUMINovalbumin n. (Biochemistry) A glycoprotein which is the primary constituent of egg white.
OVALBUMIN n. the albumin in egg-whites.
SUBNIVEALsubniveal adj. Relating to or characteristic of a subnivium; subnivian.
SUBNIVEAL adj. under snow, also SUBNIVEAN.
SUBVASSALsubvassal n. (Historical) The vassal of a vassal.
SUBVASSAL n. the vassal of a vassal.
SUBVERSALSUBVERSAL n. the act of subverting.
SUBVISUALsubvisual adj. That is too dim to be seen unaided.
SUBVISUAL adj. below the threshold of visual perception.
UNLIVABLEunlivable adj. That cannot be lived.
unlivable adj. Unfit to be lived in; uninhabitable.
UNLIVABLE adj. not capable of being lived, also UNLIVEABLE.
UNLOVABLEunlovable adj. Not lovable.
UNLOVABLE adj. not capable of being loved, also UNLOVEABLE.
UNMOVABLEunmovable adj. Not physically able to be moved.
unmovable adj. Incapable of being emotionally moved or persuaded.
UNMOVABLE adj. that cannot be moved, also UNMOVEABLE.
UNMOVABLYunmovably adv. Immovably.
UNMOVABLE adv. that cannot be moved, also UNMOVEABLE.
VALUABLESvaluables n. Valuable items collectively.
VALUABLE n. a possession of value.
VESTIBULAvestibula n. Plural of vestibulum.
VESTIBULUM n. (Latin) a cavity into which, in certain bryozoans, the esophagus and anus open.
VIBRACULAvibracula n. Plural of vibraculum.
VIBRACULUM n. (Latin) one of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished.
VOCABULARvocabular adj. (Archaic) Relating to vocabulary.
VOCABULAR adj. of or concerning words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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