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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, G, I and W

BACKSWINGbackswing n. (Sports) The preparatory stroke preceding that which produces contact with the target. Normally associated…
backswing v. To swing backward.
BACKSWING n. the first stage in a swing of a club, racket, etc. in which it is swung back and away from the ball.
BEGNAWINGbegnawing v. Present participle of begnaw.
BEGNAW v. to gnaw.
BEWAILINGbewailing v. Present participle of bewail.
bewailing n. The act of one who bewails something.
BEWAILING n. the act of bewailing.
BEWRAYINGbewraying n. The act or process of divulging or revealing information.
bewraying v. Present participle of bewray.
BEWRAY v. (archaic) to reveal unintentionally, esp. the existence, presence, or true character of (a person or thing).
BRAWLINGSbrawlings n. Plural of brawling.
BRAWLING n. rowdy fighting.
BRIGALOWSbrigalows n. Plural of brigalow.
BRIGALOW n. (Native Australian) any of several species of acacia.
JAWBONINGjawboning v. Present participle of jawbone.
jawboning n. Persistent persuasive talk.
JAWBONING n. governmental urging of industry to accept wage restraints etc.
SABREWINGsabrewing n. A large neotropical hummingbird of the genus Campylopterus.
SABREWING n. a hummingbird of a group with bent outer primaries in the male.
SCRAWBINGSCRAWB v. to scrape with or as with claws.
SUBWAYINGsubwaying v. Present participle of subway.
SUBWAY v. to travel by an underground railroad.
SWINGBEATswingbeat n. An early form of new jack swing music.
SWINGBEAT n. a type of dance music.
SWINGBOATswingboat n. A fairground ride consisting of an open gondola which swings back and forth.
SWINGBOAT n. a boat-shaped swinging carriage for fairs etc.
WAMBLINGSwamblings n. Plural of wambling.
WAMBLING n. the act of wambling.
WARBLINGSwarblings n. Plural of warbling.
WARBLING n. the act of warbling.
WEIGHABLEweighable adj. Able to be weighed.
WEIGHABLE adj. capable of being weighed.
WHIZBANGSwhizbangs n. Plural of whizbang.
whiz-bangs n. Plural of whiz-bang.
WHIZBANG n. a light shell of high velocity which is heard arriving before the gun's report; a firework resembling this, also WHIZZBANG.
WHIZZBANGwhizzbang n. Alternative form of whizbang.
whizz-bang n. (Britain, military slang, historical) A small calibre shell from World War I.
WHIZZBANG n. a light shell of high velocity which is heard arriving before the gun's report; a firework resembling this, also WHIZBANG.
WINGBACKSwingbacks n. Plural of wingback.
wing-backs n. Plural of wing-back.
wing␣backs n. Plural of wing back.
WINGBEATSwingbeats n. Plural of wingbeat.
WINGBEAT n. the motion of a bird's wing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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