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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, B, F and 2O

BABYFOODSbabyfoods n. Plural of babyfood.
baby␣foods n. Plural of baby food.
BABYFOOD n. food prepared for babies.
BABYPROOFbabyproof adj. Resistant to damage caused by babies, or unable to harm them; childproof.
babyproof v. (Transitive) To childproof.
BABYPROOF v. to render e.g. a room safe for babies.
BOBFLOATSBOBFLOAT n. a small buoyant float used in angling.
BOOFHEADSboofheads n. Plural of boofhead.
BOOFHEAD n. (Australian slang) a stupid person.
BRAINFOODbrainfood n. Any food consumed for the purpose of energizing the brain or promoting intellectual thought.
brain␣food n. Alternative form of brainfood.
BRAINFOOD n. any foodstuff containing nutrients thought to promote brain function, such as oily fish which is rich in omega-3 oils.
FACEBOOKSfacebooks n. Plural of facebook.
facebooks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of facebook.
facebooks v. Alternative form of Facebooks.
FLOODABLEfloodable adj. Able to be flooded.
FLOODABLE adj. that can be flooded.
FOLDBOATSfoldboats n. Plural of foldboat.
fold␣boats n. Plural of fold boat.
FOLDBOAT n. a collapsible boat resembling a kayak, also FALTBOAT.
FOODBANKSfoodbanks n. Plural of foodbank.
food␣banks n. Plural of food bank.
FOODBANK n. a charitable organization which distributes food aid to people in financial difficulty.
FOOTBALLSfootballs n. Plural of football.
foot-balls n. Plural of foot-ball.
foot␣balls n. Plural of foot ball.
FOOTBATHSfootbaths n. Plural of footbath.
foot-baths n. Plural of foot-bath.
foot␣baths n. Plural of foot bath.
FOOTBOARDfootboard n. An upright board across the foot of a bedstead.
footboard n. A board or small raised platform on which to support or rest the feet, such as that found in a carriage.
footboard n. A place to stand on a scooter or skateboard.
FOOTBRAKEfootbrake n. Alternative spelling of foot brake.
foot␣brake n. A brake controlled by foot, as opposed to a hand brake.
FOOTBRAKE n. a brake operated by the foot.
GOOFBALLSgoofballs n. Plural of goofball.
GOOFBALL n. (US) a barbiturate pill used as an exhilarant; a goofy person.
HOOFBEATShoofbeats n. Plural of hoofbeat.
HOOFBEAT n. the sound of hooves striking the ground.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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