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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2F and L

AFFIXABLEaffixable adj. Capable of being affixed.
AFFIXABLE adj. able to be affixed.
BAFFLEGABbafflegab n. Pretentious, incomprehensible, or overly technical language, especially legal or bureaucratic jargon.
bafflegab v. (Rare) To use pretentious, incomprehensible, or overly technical language.
BAFFLEGAB n. official or professional jargon which confuses more than it clarifies, gobbledegook.
BLASTOFFSblastoffs n. Plural of blastoff.
blast-offs n. Plural of blast-off.
BLASTOFF n. the launching of a rocket.
BLUFFABLEbluffable adj. Capable of being bluffed.
BLUFFABLE adj. able to be bluffed.
BUFFALOEDbuffaloed v. Simple past tense and past participle of buffalo.
BUFFALO v. to intimidate.
BUFFALOESbuffaloes n. Plural of buffalo.
buffaloes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of buffalo.
Buffaloes prop.n. Plural of Buffaloe.
FLUFFBALLfluffball n. A ball of fluff.
fluffball n. A creature that resembles a fluffball.
FLUFFBALL n. a ball of fluff; something, e.g. a bird or small animal, resembling a ball of fluff.
INEFFABLEineffable adj. Beyond expression in words; unspeakable.
ineffable adj. Forbidden to be uttered; taboo.
INEFFABLE adj. unspeakable, indescribable.
INEFFABLYineffably adv. Indescribably; to a very great degree or extent.
ineffably adv. Unmentionably; unspeakably.
INEFFABLE adv. unspeakable, indescribable.
OFFERABLEofferable adj. Capable of being offered; suitable or worthy to be offered.
OFFERABLE adj. capable of being offered; suitable or worthy to be offered.
PUFFBALLSpuffballs n. Plural of puffball.
PUFFBALL n. any of various globular fungi.
QUAFFABLEquaffable adj. (Informal, usually referring to wine) Easy to drink.
QUAFFABLE adj. that can be quaffed.
SNIFFABLEsniffable adj. Able to be sniffed, or able to be taken by sniffing.
SNIFFABLE adj. that can be sniffed.
UNBAFFLEDunbaffled adj. Not baffled.
unbaffled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbaffle.
UNBAFFLED adj. not baffled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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