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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, J and N

ABJECTINGabjecting v. Present participle of abject.
ABJECT v. to throw out, cast away.
ABJECTIONabjection n. A low or downcast condition; meanness of spirit; abasement; degradation.
abjection n. (Obsolete, chiefly figuratively) Something cast off; garbage.
abjection n. (Obsolete) The act of bringing down or humbling; casting down.
ABJOINTEDabjointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of abjoint.
ABJOINT v. to cut off by forming a septum.
BANJOLELEbanjolele n. A four-stringed musical instrument with a small membrane-covered body like a banjo, with a neck fretted…
BANJOLELE n. a four-stringed musical instrument with a neck like a ukulele and a body like a banjo, also BANJULELE.
BANJULELEbanjulele n. Alternative form of banjolele.
BANJULELE n. a small banjo with gut strings, also BANJOLELE.
BENJAMINSbenjamins n. Plural of benjamin.
Benjamins n. Plural of Benjamin.
BENJAMIN n. a kind of overcoat.
BLUEJEANSbluejeans n. Alternative spelling of blue jeans.
blue␣jeans n. A pair of trousers made from denim cotton and dyed dark blue.
BLUEJEANS n. blue denim jeans.
BOBBEJAANBOBBEJAAN n. (South African) a baboon; a large black spider.
ENJAMBINGenjambing v. Present participle of enjamb.
ENJAMB v. in poetry, to join the sense from one line to the next.
ENJOYABLEenjoyable adj. Pleasant, capable of giving pleasure.
ENJOYABLE adj. that can be enjoyed.
ENJOYABLYenjoyably adv. In an enjoyable manner.
ENJOYABLE adv. that can be enjoyed.
INJURABLEinjurable adj. Capable of being injured.
INJURABLE adj. that can be injured.
JABBERINGjabbering v. Present participle of jabber.
jabbering n. Speech that jabbers; gibberish.
JABBERING adj. talking rapidly.
JAWBONERSjawboners n. Plural of jawboner.
JAWBONER n. one who engages in jawboning, i.e. governmental urging of industry to accept wage restraints etc.
JELLYBEANjellybean n. Alternative spelling of jelly bean.
jellybean adj. (Slang, electronics, programming) of an electronic component, or software algorithm: generic, standard…
jelly␣bean n. A small, bean-shaped, chewy candy/sweet with a firm coating and a jelly-like center, made of sugar…
JUBILANCEjubilance n. Jubilation.
JUBILANCE n. jubilation, also JUBILANCY.
SUBJACENTsubjacent adj. Lying beneath or at a lower level; underlying.
SUBJACENT adj. lying under or below something.
UNABJUREDunabjured adj. Not abjured.
UNABJURED adj. not abjured.
ZABAJONESzabajones n. Plural of zabajone.
ZABAJONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian custard, also ZABAGLIONE, ZABAIONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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