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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, G and P

BAGPIPERSbagpipers n. Plural of bagpiper.
BAGPIPER n. one who plays the bagpipes.
BARGEPOLEbargepole n. Alternative spelling of barge pole.
barge␣pole n. A type of quant pole used to propel a barge through the water.
BARGEPOLE n. a pole for propelling a barge.
BECAPPINGBECAP v. to put a cap on.
BEDRAPINGbedraping v. Present participle of bedrape.
BEDRAPE v. to cover with cloth.
BELEAPINGbeleaping v. Present participle of beleap.
BELEAP v. to leap upon.
BEPATTINGbepatting v. Present participle of bepat.
BEPAT v. to pat often.
BESPANGLEbespangle v. To cover something with spangles.
BESPANGLE v. to adorn with spangles.
CARPETBAGcarpetbag n. A traveling bag made from scraps of carpet and widely used in the United States (and elsewhere) in the…
carpetbag v. (Chiefly US) To come to a place or organisation with which one has no previous connection with the sole…
carpetbag adj. (Chiefly US) Having the characteristics of carpetbaggers.
GRASPABLEgraspable adj. Able to be grasped.
graspable adj. Able to be understood or comprehended; understandable.
GRASPABLE adj. capable of being grasped.
GROUPABLEgroupable adj. Capable of being grouped together.
groupable adj. (Sciences, by extension from the basic sense) Compatible mathematically or (more generally) scientifically.
GROUPABLE adj. that can be grouped.
PEGBOARDSpegboards n. Plural of pegboard.
PEGBOARD n. a board with holes for pegs.
PHILABEGSphilabegs n. Plural of philabeg.
PHILLABEGphillabeg n. Alternative form of philibeg.
PLEDGABLEpledgable adj. (Finance) Able to be used as a pledge, or as collateral.
PLEDGABLE adj. capable of being pledged.
PORBEAGLEporbeagle n. A large pelagic predatory shark, Lamna nasus, of the Atlantic.
PORBEAGLE n. a species of shark, having a pointed nose and a crescent-shaped tail.
PREBAKINGprebaking adj. Alternative spelling of pre-baking.
prebaking n. Blind-baking (baking a pastry before adding a filling).
prebaking n. (Electronics, physics) surface modification by heating prior to another operation.
PREGNABLEpregnable adj. Vulnerable to attack.
PREGNABLE adj. capable of being taken by assault or force.
PURGEABLEpurgeable adj. Capable of being purged.
PURGEABLE adj. that can be purged.
SPONGEBAGspongebag n. Alternative form of sponge bag.
sponge␣bag n. (UK, Australia) A bag for carrying toiletries, as when travelling.
sponge␣bag n. (Chiefly UK) Designating clothing (especially trousers) with a fine, faint black-and-white check pattern.
UPBEARINGupbearing n. A bearing up; support.
upbearing n. A surge or movement upward.
upbearing v. Present participle of upbear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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