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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, U and Y

ABSURDITYabsurdity n. (Countable) That which is absurd; an absurd action; a logical contradiction.
absurdity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment.
absurdity n. (Obsolete, rare) Dissonance.
ABUNDANCYabundancy n. A state of plentifulness.
ABUNDANCY n. the state of being abundant, also ABUNDANCE.
BODYGUARDbodyguard n. A person or group of persons, often armed, responsible for protecting an individual.
bodyguard v. (Transitive) To act as bodyguard for (someone); figuratively, to protect.
BODYGUARD n. a guard consisting of one person or several people, to give physical protection to someone.
BUDGETARYbudgetary adj. Of or pertaining to a budget.
BUDGETARY adj. relating to a budget.
BULLWADDYBULLWADDY n. (Native Australian) an Australian tree, also BULWADDY, BULLWADDIE.
BUTYLATEDbutylated v. Simple past tense and past participle of butylate.
butylated adj. (Organic chemistry) Modified to contain one or more butyl groups.
BUTYLATE v. to add a butyl to.
DOUBTABLYDOUBTABLE adv. capable of being doubted.
DUBITABLYdubitably adv. Doubtfully.
DUBITABLE adv. liable to be doubted; uncertain.
DUBITANCYdubitancy n. Doubt; uncertainty.
DUBITANCY n. (obsolete) doubt.
DUOBINARYduobinary adj. (Telecommunications) Being, or pertaining to, a bipolar encoding in which the ones are represented alternately…
DUOBINARY adj. denoting a communications system for coding digital data.
ENDURABLYendurably adv. In an endurable or tolerable manner.
ENDURABLE adv. that can be endured.
HUSBANDLYhusbandly adj. Characteristic of a husband; proper and fitting for a husband; marital.
husbandly adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a husbandman or husbandry.
husbandly adj. (Obsolete) Frugal; economical.
HUSBANDRYhusbandry n. The occupation or work of a husbandman or farmer; the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock; agriculture.
husbandry n. The prudent management or conservation of resources.
husbandry n. (Now chiefly nautical) Administration or management of day-to-day matters.
INAUDIBLYinaudibly adv. In a manner which is incapable of being heard or not loud enough to be heard.
INAUDIBLE adv. that cannot be heard.
SUBACIDLYsubacidly adv. In a subacid manner.
SUBACID adv. slightly sour.
SUBAHDARYsubahdary n. The office or jurisdiction of a subahdar.
SUBAHDARY n. the office of a subahdar.
SUBDUABLYSUBDUABLE adv. able to be subdued.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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