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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, F and U

BIFURCATEbifurcate adj. Divided or forked into two; bifurcated.
bifurcate adj. Having bifurcations.
bifurcate v. (Intransitive) To divide or fork into two channels or branches.
BUSHCRAFTbushcraft n. The skills needed to survive in the bush, and by extension in any natural environment.
BUSHCRAFT n. practical knowledge of the bush and skill in its ways.
CLUBFACESclubfaces n. Plural of clubface.
CLUBFACE n. the striking surface of a clubhead.
FABACEOUSfabaceous adj. Having the nature of a bean; like a bean.
FABACEOUS adj. beanlike.
FEBRICULAfebricula n. A mild fever of short duration, of indefinite origin, and without any distinctive pathology.
FEBRICULA n. a slight short fever, also FEBRICULE.
FLASHCUBEflashcube n. (Photography) A rotating cube containing a flashbulb in each of four sides.
FLASHCUBE n. a plastic cube containing four flashbulbs, rotated as the film is wound on.
FOCUSABLEfocusable adj. Capable of being focused.
focusable adj. (Graphical user interface) Able to receive the input focus.
FOCUSABLE adj. able to be focused.
FULLBACKSfullbacks n. Plural of fullback.
full-backs n. Plural of full-back.
full␣backs n. Plural of full back.
OBFUSCATEobfuscate v. To make dark; to overshadow.
obfuscate v. To deliberately make more confusing in order to conceal the truth.
obfuscate v. (Computing) To alter code while preserving its behavior but concealing its structure and intent.
PUFFBACKSpuffbacks n. Plural of puffback.
PUFFBACK n. a small African bird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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