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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A and 3R

ARBITRARYarbitrary adj. (Usually of a decision) Based on individual discretion or judgment; not based on any objective distinction…
arbitrary adj. Determined by impulse rather than reason; heavy-handed.
arbitrary adj. (Mathematics) Any, out of all that are possible.
ARRAIGNERarraigner n. (Law) One who arraigns.
ARRAIGNER n. one who arraigns.
ARRANGERSarrangers n. Plural of arranger.
ARRANGER n. one that arranges.
ARREARAGEarrearage n. The condition of being in arrears.
arrearage n. An item that is in arrears, as periodic payments on a debt or for taxes.
ARREARAGE n. that which remains unpaid and overdue, after payment of a part.
ARROGATORARROGATOR n. one who arrogates.
BARRACKERbarracker n. One who barracks.
BARRACKER n. one who barracks.
BARRATERSbarraters n. Plural of barrater.
BARRATER n. one that persistently instigates lawsuits, also BARRATOR, BARRETOR.
BARRATORSbarrators n. Plural of barrator.
BARRATOR n. one that persistently instigates lawsuits, also BARRATER, BARRETOR.
NARRATERSnarraters n. Plural of narrater.
NARRATER n. one that narrates, also NARRATOR.
NARRATORSnarrators n. Plural of narrator.
NARRATOR n. one that narrates, also NARRATER.
NARRATORYnarratory adj. Relating to a narrator and/or narration.
NARRATORY adj. like narrative, consisting of narrative.
REARGUARDrearguard n. (Military) The rearmost part of a force, especially a detachment of troops that protect the rear of…
rearguard n. (Soccer) The defence, collectively the defenders.
rear-guard adj. Of, or relating to a rearguard.
REARRANGErearrange v. (Transitive) To change the order or arrangement of (one or more items).
rearrange v. (Slang, humorous) To mangle, disfigure.
REARRANGE v. to arrange in a different way.
REARWARDSrearwards adj. Rearward.
rearwards adv. Rearward.
rearwards n. Plural of rearward.
TERRAMARAterramara n. Alternative form of terramare.
terra-mara n. An earthy deposit containing fertilizing organic or mineral matter.
terra-mara n. Any deposit containing prehistoric remains.
TERRAMAREterramare n. (Prehistory) Bronze Age lake dwellings and settlements of the Po valley in northern Italy, characterized…
Terramare prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of terramare.
TERRAMARE n. (Italian) a dark earthy deposit formed under prehistoric pile-dwellings in Italy, also TERRAMARA.
ULTRARAREultrarare adj. Extremely rare; of utmost rarity.
ULTRARARE adj. very very rare.
WARFARERSwarfarers n. Plural of warfarer.
WARFARER n. one engaged in warfare.
WARRANTERwarranter n. One who warrants, gives authority, or legally empowers.
warranter n. One who gives a warranty or guarantee.
WARRANTER n. one who warrants, also WARRANTOR.
WARRANTORwarrantor n. One making a warrant to the benefit of a warrantee.
WARRANTOR n. one who warrants, also WARRANTER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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