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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, L and 2U

AQUALUNGSaqualungs n. Plural of aqualung.
AQUALUNG n. diving apparatus.
AURICULAEauriculae n. Plural of auricula.
AURICULA n. (Latin) a species of Primula, or primrose, aka, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
AURICULARauricular adj. (Relational) Of or pertaining to the ear.
auricular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.
auricular adj. (Art, relational) Pertaining to a style of ornamental decoration, originating in Northern Europe in…
AURICULASauriculas n. Plural of auricula.
AURICULA n. (Latin) a species of Primula, or primrose, aka, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
AVUNCULARavuncular adj. In the manner of an uncle, pertaining to an uncle.
avuncular adj. (By extension) Kind, genial, benevolent, or tolerant.
AVUNCULAR adj. suggestive of an uncle, esp. in kindliness or geniality.
CHALUMEAUchalumeau n. (Music) A woodwind instrument which was the predecessor of the clarinet.
chalumeau n. The lowest range of the clarinet, reaching up to written B♭ (B flat) above middle C.
CHALUMEAU n. (French) an early rustic reed instrument that developed into the clarinet.
CLAUSULAEclausulae n. Plural of clausula.
CLAUSULA n. (Latin) a short clause ending a period in Latin prose.
CLAUSULARclausular adj. Consisting of, or having, clauses.
CLAUSULAR adj. consisting of, or having, clauses.
INAUGURALinaugural adj. Of inauguration; as in a speech or lecture by the person being inaugurated.
inaugural adj. Marking the beginning of an operation, venture, etc.
inaugural n. An inauguration; a formal beginning.
LAUDANUMSlaudanums n. Plural of laudanum.
LAUDANUM n. a type of opium preparation.
LUNANAUTSlunanauts n. Plural of lunanaut.
LUNANAUT n. an astronaut who has travelled to the moon, also LUNARNAUT.
LUNARNAUTlunarnaut n. Someone who travels to the Moon.
LUNARNAUT n. one who travels to the moon, also LUNANAUT.
QUAALUDESquaaludes n. Plural of quaalude.
Quaaludes n. Plural of Quaalude.
QUAALUDE n. (tradename) a type of sedative, aka methaqualone.
SQUAMULASsquamulas n. Plural of squamula.
SQUAMULA n. a little scale, also SQUAMELLA, SQUAMULE.
SUBCAUDALsubcaudal adj. On the underside of the tail.
subcaudal n. Any of the enlarged plates on the underside of a snake’s tail.
SUBCAUDAL adj. situated under, or on the ventral side of, the tail; as, the subcaudal bones.
UMBRACULAumbracula n. Plural of umbraculum.
UMBRACULUM n. (Latin) an umbrella or umbrella-like structure.
UNNATURALunnatural adj. Not natural.
unnatural adj. Not occurring in nature, the environment or atmosphere.
unnatural adj. Going against nature; perverse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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