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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 2A, J, N and T

ADJACENTSadjacents n. Plural of adjacent.
ADJACENT n. in a right angled triangle, the shorter of the two sides adjacent to a given angle.
ADJUTANCYadjutancy n. The state or office of being an adjutant, assistant, or helper.
ADJUTANCY n. the office of an adjutant.
ADJUTANTSadjutants n. Plural of adjutant.
ADJUTANT n. an officer who assists superior officers by communicating orders, conducting correspondence, etc.
ADJUVANTSadjuvants n. Plural of adjuvant.
ADJUVANT n. a substance added to make vaccine more effective.
JACTATIONjactation n. A tossing or shaking of the body; physical agitation, especially while asleep or confined to bed by…
jactation n. The action of throwing.
jactation n. Boasting; bragging; showing off.
JASMONATEjasmonate n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several esters of jasmonic acid that act as plant hormones; they are the…
JASMONATE n. any of several organic compounds that occur in plants and are thought to control processes such as growth and fruit ripening and to aid the plant's defences against disease and insect attack.
JAWBATIONjawbation n. Alternative spelling of jobation.
JAWBATION n. a long, tedious rebuke or harangue, also JOBATION.
JAZERANTSjazerants n. Plural of jazerant.
JAZERANT n. (historical) a coat of mail made of small plates of metal sewed upon linen or the like, also JESSERANT.
NAARTJIESnaartjies n. Plural of naartjie.
NAARTJIE n. (South African) a small sweet orange like the mandarin, also NAARTJE, NARTJIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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