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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, L and W

AISLEWAYSaisleways n. Plural of aisleway.
AISLEWAY n. a passage for inside traffic.
ALTARWISEaltarwise adj. Placed in the manner of an altar, against the eastern wall of the chancel with the longer side parallel to that wall.
ALTARWISE adv. in the proper position of an altar, that is, at the east of a church with its ends towards the north and south.
BROWALLIAbrowallia n. Any of the flowering plants of the genus Browallia.
BROWALLIA n. a flowering plant.
DISAVOWALdisavowal n. A denial of knowledge, relationship, and/or responsibility towards something (or someone).
DISAVOWAL n. the act of disavowing.
GALLIWASPgalliwasp n. Any of the lizards in the genus Celestus.
GALLIWASP n. a West Indian lizard, about a foot long, imagined by the natives to be venomous.
ILLAWARRAIllawarra prop.n. A coastal region of New South Wales, Australia, situated immediately south of Sydney.
ILLAWARRA n. a breed of shorthorn dairy cattle.
LAWMAKINGlawmaking n. The process of passing or enacting laws; legislation.
LAWMAKING n. the process of making law.
PAULOWNIApaulownia n. Any member of the genus Paulownia, comprising deciduous flowering trees native to Asia.
Paulownia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Paulowniaceae – paulownias.
PAULOWNIA n. any tree of the Chinese and Japanese genus Paulownia, of the figwort family, with showy flowers.
RAILWOMANrailwoman n. A woman who works on a railway.
RAILWOMAN n. a female railway worker.
RAUWOLFIArauwolfia n. Any of several small trees and shrubs, of the genus Rauwolfia, that yield materials of medical use.
rauwolfia n. Any of a group of alkaloids extracted from these trees.
RAUWOLFIA n. a tropical tree or shrub used as source of various drugs, esp. the sedative reserpine.
TAILWATERtailwater n. The water located immediately downstream from a hydraulic structure, such as a dam, bridge, or culvert.
TAILWATER n. water below a dam or waterpower development.
TRIALWAREtrialware n. (Internet) Software that can be tried for a limited time, after which it expires or has limited functionality.
TRIALWARE n. computer software that can be used without charge for a limited evaluation period.
WALLABIESwallabies n. Plural of wallaby.
Wallabies prop.n. (Rugby) the national rugby union representative team of Australia.
Wallabies n. Plural of Wallaby (player for the Wallabies team).
WARRIGALSwarrigals n. Plural of warrigal.
WARRIGAL n. (Native Australian) the Australian wild dog, the dingo, also WARRAGAL, WARRAGLE, WARRAGUL.
WASSAILEDwassailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wassail.
WASSAIL v. to go carolling or carousing.
WASSAILERwassailer n. One who wassails.
WASSAILER n. one who wassails.
WASSAILRYwassailry n. Wassail; revelry.
WASSAILRY n. the act of wassailing.
WAYLAYINGwaylaying v. Present participle of waylay.
waylaying n. The act by which somebody is waylaid; an ambush.
WAYLAY v. to ambush.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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