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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, H, R and Z

ANARCHIZEanarchize v. To reduce or elevate to a state of anarchy.
ANARCHIZE v. to reduce to anarchy, also ANARCHISE.
ARCHAIZEDarchaized v. Simple past tense and past participle of archaize.
ARCHAIZE v. to use idioms, also ARCHAISE.
ARCHAIZERarchaizer n. One who makes archaic, as by using an archaic style.
ARCHAIZER n. one who archaizes, also ARCHAISER.
ARCHAIZESarchaizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of archaize.
ARCHAIZE v. to use idioms, also ARCHAISE.
AZEDARACHazedarach n. An Asiatic tree (Melia azedarach), common in the southern United States, commonly called bead tree, chinaberry, etc.
azedarach n. The bark of the roots of the azedarach, used as a cathartic and emetic.
AZEDARACH n. (Persian) the stringent bark of the chinaberry, used as an emetic and cathartic.
BALTHAZARbalthazar n. Alternative letter-case form of Balthazar.
Balthazar prop.n. A name ascribed to one of the Magi.
Balthazar prop.n. (Biblical, historical) a Babylonian king mentioned in the Book of Daniel.
BILHARZIAbilharzia n. (Pathology) The parasitic disease schistosomiasis.
BILHARZIA n. a disease caused by infestation of the body with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma, aka schistosomiasis, also BILHARZIASIS, BILHARZIOSIS.
BIOHAZARDbiohazard n. A biological hazard; a source of risk due to some biological factor such as bacteria or human waste.
BIOHAZARD n. a danger of disease or pollution from living organisms.
CATHARIZEcatharize v. To clean or purify thoroughly.
CATHARIZE v. to render absolutely clean; to purge, also CATHARISE.
CHIAREZZACHIAREZZA n. (Italian) purity, clarity.
HAPHAZARDhaphazard adj. Random; chaotic; incomplete; not thorough, constant, or consistent.
haphazard n. Simple chance, a random accident, luck.
HAPHAZARD adj. marked by lack of plan, order, or direction.
HARAMZADAharamzada n. (India, Pakistan) A bastard.
HARAMZADA n. (Hinglish) an illegitimate male, also HARAMDA.
HARAMZADIHARAMZADI n. (Hinglish) an illegitimate female, also HARAMDI.
HAZARDERShazarders n. Plural of hazarder.
HAZARDER n. one who hazards.
HAZARDINGhazarding v. Present participle of hazard.
hazarding n. Something hazarded or ventured; a guess or speculation.
HAZARD v. to venture.
HAZARDIZEhazardize v. To make hazardous.
hazardize n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of hazardise.
HAZARDIZE n. (Spenser) a hazardous position, a condition of peril or risk.
HAZARDOUShazardous adj. Risky; dangerous; with the nature of a hazard.
hazardous adj. Of or involving chance.
HAZARDOUS adj. dangerous.
RHIZOMATArhizomata n. Plural of rhizoma.
RHIZOMA n. (Greek) a rootlike, underground stem, also RHIZOME.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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