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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, H and 2O

ANGOPHORAangophora n. Any of various myrtaceous plants of the genus Angophora.
Angophora prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Myrtaceae – certain trees ands shrubs of Australia.
ANGOPHORA n. (Greek) an East Australian tree, related to the eucalyptus.
ANTHOZOANanthozoan n. (Marine biology) A marine invertebrate of the class Anthozoa, such as a sea anemone or coral.
ANTHOZOAN n. any animal of the class Anthozoa of marine coelenterates, which includes sea anemones, corals, and sea-pens.
COACHLOADcoachload n. As much or as many as can fill a coach.
COACHLOAD n. the passengers of a coach taken collectively.
COOLABAHScoolabahs n. Plural of coolabah.
COOLABAH n. (Native Australian) a type of tree, also COOLIBAH, COOLIBAR.
HAANEPOOThaanepoot n. A kind of large, fleshy South African grape.
HAANEPOOT n. (South African) a kind of grape, also HANEPOOT, HONEYPOT.
HALLALOOShallaloos n. Plural of hallaloo.
HALLALOO n. a hunting cry.
HEMATOZOAhematozoa n. Plural of hematozoon.
HEMATOZOON n. a protozoan that is parasitic in the blood, also HAEMATOZOON.
HONORARIAhonoraria n. Plural of honorarium.
HONORARIUM n. a voluntary fee paid esp. to a professional person for their services.
HOOLACHANHOOLACHAN n. (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp. the reel of Tulloch, also HOOLICAN.
HOROKAKASHOROKAKA n. (Maori) a low-growing New Zealand plant with fleshy leaves and pink or white flowers.
MASOOLAHSmasoolahs n. Plural of masoolah.
MASOOLAH n. an Indian surfboat, also MASSOOLA, MASULA.
OMOPHAGIAomophagia n. The eating of raw food, especially raw flesh.
OMOPHAGIA n. the eating of raw flesh, also OMOPHAGY.
OOLACHANSoolachans n. Plural of oolachan.
OOMPAHPAHoompahpah n. Alternative form of oom-pah.
OOMPAHPAH n. an imitation of the sound of a tuba.
ZOOPHAGANzoophagan n. A carnivore.
ZOOPHAGAN n. an animal that feeds on animal food.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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