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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, F, G and T

AFFOGATOSaffogatos n. Plural of affogato.
AFFOGATO n. (Italian) a dessert made by pouring espresso coffee over ice cream.
AFTERGAMEaftergame n. (Archaic) A second game played to reverse the outcome of the first; the means employed after the first…
aftergame n. (Video games) Bonus features, dialogue, etc. accessed when a previously-beaten video game is revisited.
after-game n. Alternative spelling of aftergame.
AGFLATIONagflation n. (Informal) An increase in the price of food crops, especially due to increased demand, and to diversification…
AGFLATION n. an economic situation in which increased demand causes an increase in the price of food products, and a potential rise in general inflation.
ALLOGRAFTallograft n. (Surgery) A surgical transplant of tissue between genetically different individuals of the same species.
allograft v. To perform a transplant of this kind.
ALLOGRAFT n. a surgical graft from a nonidentical donor.
ANTIGRAFTantigraft adj. (Politics) Opposed to or working against graft.
anti-graft adj. Alternative form of antigraft.
ANTIGRAFT adj. designed to reduce corruption.
AUTOGRAFTautograft n. (Surgery) A tissue graft taken from one part to another of the same individual’s body.
autograft v. (Transitive) To graft in this manner.
AUTOGRAFT n. a graft from one part of the body to another.
CATFACINGcatfacing n. The development of the catface deformity in tomatoes.
CATFACING n. a deformity of fruit, also CATFACE.
FACTORAGEfactorage n. The commission paid to a factor.
factorage n. The business of a factor.
FACTORAGE n. the fees or commission of a factor.
FALANGISTFalangist n. A member of the Falange.
Falangist adj. Of or pertaining to the Falange.
FALANGIST n. a member of the Spanish Fascist party.
FATIGABLEfatigable adj. Susceptible to fatigue; able to become physically exhausted.
FATIGABLE adj. easily tired, also FATIGUABLE.
FATIGATEDfatigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fatigate.
FATIGATE v. to weary, also FATIGUE.
FATIGATESfatigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fatigate.
FATIGATE v. to weary, also FATIGUE.
FATWAHINGfatwahing v. Present participle of fatwah.
FATWAH v. (Arabic) to threaten death by religious decree, also FATWA, FETWA.
FLAGITATEflagitate v. (Archaic) To importune; to demand fiercely or with passion.
FLAGITATE v. to entreat or importune.
FLAGSTAFFflagstaff n. A pole on which a flag is raised.
Flagstaff prop.n. A city, the county seat of Coconino County, Arizona, United States.
Flagstaff prop.n. A town in Victoria, Australia.
FLOATAGESfloatages n. Plural of floatage.
FLOATAGE n. the act of floating, flotsam, also FLOTAGE.
FRAUTAGESFRAUTAGE n. (Shakespeare) loading, cargo, also FRAUGHTAGE.
GRAFTAGESGRAFTAGE n. the process of grafting.
STAFFAGESstaffages n. Plural of staffage.
STAFFAGE n. decorative addition to a work of art.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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