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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, D, U and Y

ABUNDANCYabundancy n. A state of plentifulness.
ABUNDANCY n. the state of being abundant, also ABUNDANCE.
ADJUTANCYadjutancy n. The state or office of being an adjutant, assistant, or helper.
ADJUTANCY n. the office of an adjutant.
ADJUVANCYadjuvancy n. The condition of being adjuvant.
ADJUVANCY n. the state of being adjuvant, serving to aid.
ADULATORYadulatory adj. Exhibiting adulation; overly flattering.
ADULATORY adj. showing adulation.
AYURVEDASAYURVEDA n. (Sanskrit) the traditional system of Indian medicine.
GRADUALLYgradually adv. In a gradual manner; making slow progress; slowly.
gradually adv. (Obsolete) by degrees.
GRADUAL adv. happening by degrees.
HAULYARDShaulyards n. Plural of haulyard.
HAULYARD n. a line used to hoist a sail, also HALYARD, HALLIARD.
LAUDATORYlaudatory adj. Of or pertaining to praise, or the expression of praise.
LAUDATORY adj. expressing praise.
LAUDATORY n. a eulogy.
MAMAGUYEDmamaguyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mamaguy.
MAMAGUY v. (Caribbean) to deceive or tease esp. by flattery.
NAUGAHYDENaugahyde n. An artificial leather made with a knit fabric backing and PVC coating.
NAUGAHYDE n. (tradename) a type of vinyl-coated fabric.
PADUASOYSpaduasoys n. Plural of paduasoy.
PADUASOY n. (French) corded silk; a garment of this.
QUADPLAYSquadplays n. Plural of quadplay.
quad␣plays n. Plural of quad play.
QUADPLAY n. the supply to a customer by one provider of television, internet and both fixed-line and mobile telephony, also FOURPLAY.
SUBAHDARYsubahdary n. The office or jurisdiction of a subahdar.
SUBAHDARY n. the office of a subahdar.
TAYASSUIDtayassuid n. (Zoology) Any peccary of the family Tayassuidae.
TAYASSUID n. (Tupi) any member of the Tayassuid family of New World pigs.
UNALLAYEDunallayed adj. Not allayed.
UNALLAYED adj. not allayed.
UNARRAYEDunarrayed adj. (Archaic) Not arrayed; undressed.
unarrayed adj. (Archaic) Not arranged.
UNARRAYED adj. not arrayed.
UNASSAYEDunassayed adj. Not assayed.
UNASSAYED adj. not assayed, not attempted.
UPSADAISYupsadaisy interj. An affectionate encouragement to a child who has fallen over or is being lifted up.
UPSADAISY interj. an expression of reassurance to someone who has fallen over, also UPADAISY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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