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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, W and Y

CABLEWAYScableways n. Plural of cableway.
CABLEWAY n. a structure for transport of material in cars, suspended from a cable.
CARRAWAYScarraways n. Plural of carraway.
Carraways prop.n. Plural of Carraway.
CARRAWAY n. an umbelliferous plant with aromatic seeds used as a tonic and condiment, also CARAWAY.
CASSOWARYcassowary n. A large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius that is native to Australia and New Guinea, has a characteristic…
CASSOWARY n. (Malay) any large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius, related to the emu.
CASTAWAYScastaways n. Plural of castaway.
CASTAWAY n. an outcast.
CAUSEWAYScauseways n. Plural of causeway.
CAUSEWAY v. to build a raised roadway over.
CELLARWAYcellarway n. A passage leading to a cellar.
CELLARWAY n. a way into a cellar.
CLAYWARESclaywares n. Plural of clayware.
CLAYWARE n. goods made of clay.
CLEARWAYSclearways n. Plural of clearway.
CLEARWAY n. a non-stopping zone of a road.
CRAWDADDYcrawdaddy n. (US) crayfish.
CRAWDADDY n. a crayfish, also CRAWDAD.
CRAWLWAYScrawlways n. Plural of crawlway.
CRAWLWAY n. a small low tunnel.
GRAYWACKEgraywacke n. Alternative form of greywacke.
GRAYWACKE n. any coarse-grained, usually dark sandstone containing angular mineral and rock fragments in a fine-grained clayey matrix, also GREYWACKE.
HATCHWAYShatchways n. Plural of hatchway.
HATCHWAY n. an opening in the deck of a ship.
LOCKAWAYSlockaways n. Plural of lockaway.
LOCKAWAY n. in finance, a long-term security.
PADDYWACKpaddywack n. Alternative form of paddywhack.
PADDYWACK n. a slap or smack, also PADDYWHACK.
PADDYWACK v. to spank or smack.
ROCKAWAYSrockaways n. Plural of rockaway.
ROCKAWAY n. a light four-wheeled carriage with fixed top and open sides.
SCALLYWAGscallywag n. (Derogatory, dated, chiefly UK) A disreputable fellow, a good-for-nothing, a scapegrace, a blackguard.
scallywag n. (Informal, chiefly UK) A badly behaved person, especially a child; a mischief-maker; a rascal.
SCALLYWAG n. a good-for-nothing, a rascal, also SCALAWAG, SCALLAWAG.
SWAYBACKSswaybacks n. Plural of swayback.
SWAYBACK n. an abnormal sagging of the back.
TRACKWAYStrackways n. Plural of trackway.
TRACKWAY n. a trodden path.
WANCHANCYwanchancy adj. (Dialectal, chiefly Scotland) Unlucky; unchancy.
wanchancy adj. (Dialectal, chiefly Scotland) Wicked.
WANCHANCY adj. (Scots) unlucky, dangerous, uncanny, also WANCHANCIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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