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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 3A, T and Y

ADAMANTLYadamantly adv. In an immovable or inflexible manner.
ADAMANT adv. very firm.
ANAPLASTYanaplasty n. (Surgery) The restoration of lost parts or the normal shape by the use of healthy tissue.
ANAPLASTY n. the art or operation of restoring lost parts or the normal shape by the use of healthy tissue.
AYATOLLAHayatollah n. A religious leader in Twelver Shi’ism.
ayatollah n. (Colloquial) An authority on any subject.
AYATOLLAH n. (Arabic) an Iranian religious leader.
CASTAWAYScastaways n. Plural of castaway.
CASTAWAY n. an outcast.
MANDATARYmandatary n. One who receives a mandate.
MANDATARY n. the holder of a mandate, also MANDATORY.
MANYATTASmanyattas n. Plural of manyatta.
MANYATTA n. a small Masai settlement, also MANYATA.
PALATABLYpalatably adv. In a palatable manner.
PALATABLE adv. pleasant to taste.
PALATALLYpalatally adv. With reference to the palate.
PALATAL adv. of or pertaining to the palate.
PANCHAYATpanchayat n. (South Asia, chiefly India) A village council or local government.
PANCHAYAT n. (Hindi) five elders, a council of five that is the basis for Indian village government.
PANTAGAMYpantagamy n. (Historical) A system of communistic marriage, once practised in the Oneida community.
PANTAGAMY n. marriage in which all spouses are held in common.
PITAHAYASpitahayas n. Plural of pitahaya.
PITAHAYA n. (Spanish) a cactus of southwestern US and Mexico, also PITAYA.
STANDAWAYstandaway adj. (Clothing) Denoting a kind of rolled collar that stands away from the neck.
STANDAWAY adj. of a skirt, standing out from the body.
STAYAWAYSstayaways n. Plural of stayaway.
STAYAWAY n. in South Africa, a strike; a person participating in a strike.
TAKEAWAYStakeaways n. Plural of takeaway.
take-aways n. Plural of take-away.
TAKEAWAY n. a meal that is taken away from the place of purchase.
TEARAWAYStearaways n. Plural of tearaway.
TEARAWAY n. a rebellious person.
WANTAWAYSwantaways n. Plural of wantaway.
want-aways n. Plural of want-away.
WANTAWAY n. a footballer who wants to transfer to another club.
YATAGHANSyataghans n. Plural of yataghan.
YATAGHAN n. (Turkish) a Muslim long curved knife, also ATAGHAN, YATAGAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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