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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 3A, G and P

AGRAPHIASagraphias n. Plural of agraphia.
AGRAPHIA n. the inability to write.
ALPARGATAalpargata n. Synonym of espadrille.
ALPARGATA n. (Spanish) a light sandal with a hemp or rope sole.
APPANAGEDappanaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of appanage.
APPANAGED adj. endowed with an appanage, a provision for maintenance, esp. of a king's younger child.
APPANAGESappanages n. Plural of appanage.
APPANAGE n. a provision for maintenance, esp. of a king's younger child, also APANAGE.
ARAPONGASarapongas n. Plural of araponga.
ARAPONGA n. (Tupi) the campanero or South American bellbird, also ARAPUNGA.
ARAPUNGASarapungas n. Plural of arapunga.
ARAPUNGA n. (Tupi) the campanero or S. American bellbird, also ARAPONGA.
ASPARAGUSasparagus n. Any of various perennial plants of the genus Asparagus having leaflike stems, scalelike leaves, and small flowers.
asparagus n. The young shoots of Asparagus officinalis eaten as a vegetable.
asparagus n. (Color) A green colour, like that of an asparagus.
CAMPAGNAScampagnas n. Plural of campagna.
Campagnas prop.n. Plural of Campagna.
CAMPAGNA n. (Italian) an open level tract of country; esp. "Campagna di Roma", the extensive undulating plain which surrounds Rome.
GALAPAGOSGalapagos prop.n. Alternative spelling of Galápagos.
Galápagos prop.n. The Galápagos Islands.
GALAPAGO n. (Spanish) a kind of tortoise.
GRANDPAPAgrandpapa n. Grandfather.
GRANDPAPA n. a grandfather.
PANTAGAMYpantagamy n. (Historical) A system of communistic marriage, once practised in the Oneida community.
PANTAGAMY n. marriage in which all spouses are held in common.
PARAGRAMSparagrams n. Plural of paragram.
PARAGRAM n. a play on words consisting in the alteration of one letter or group of letters of a word, esp. an initial letter.
PARAGRAPHparagraph n. A passage in text that starts on a new line, the first line sometimes being indented, and usually marks…
paragraph n. (Originally) A mark or note set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, such as a change of subject.
paragraph n. A brief article, notice, or announcement, as in a newspaper.
PARALEGALparalegal n. (Law) One who assists a lawyer in routine legal work, but who is without qualified status as a solicitor…
PARALEGAL adj. assisting a professional lawyer.
PARALEGAL n. a person who assists a professional lawyer.
PARALOGIAparalogia n. (Dated, pathology) delirium.
PARALOGIA n. the impairment of reasoning power characterized by difficulty in expressing logical ideas in speech.
PARASANGSparasangs n. Plural of parasang.
PARASANG n. (Greek) an old Persian unit of distance.
PHALANGALphalangal adj. Alternative form of phalangeal.
PHALANGAL adj. of or pertaining to the phalanges, the bones of a digit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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